Problems to Tween Position a Model

Hi, I’m doing a game in which the dummies supposedly fall with the Bounce animation, but after a few hours I only got this

(Sorry I don’t know how to upload gif here)

All parts seems to be welded, here is the code

local x = math.random(-192, -166)
local z = math.random(187, 213)
local pos =, 200, z)

local dummy = game.StarterGui.plr.Dummy.Models.Start:Clone()
dummy.Parent = workspace.Dummys.Start
dummy:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(pos * CFrame.Angles(0, math.random(1,360), 0))
dummy.Name = "d1"

local primary = dummy.PrimaryPart

for _, part in pairs(dummy:GetChildren()) do
	if (part ~= primary) then
		local weld ="WeldConstraint")
		weld.Part0 = part
		weld.Part1 = primary
		weld.Parent = part
		part.Anchored = false

primary.Anchored = true
primary.CanCollide = false

local part = {Position =, 185, z )}

local Tween = tweenService:Create(primary, tweeing, part)

Tween service only moves a single part not a model

Youll have to either rig it to be a humanoid or use :SetPrimaryPartCFrame() and a for loop with CFrame:lerp()

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Don’t use :SetPrimaryPartCFrame() in production code. It’s less than performant. Same goes for humanoids. The more humanoids in a game, the more lag your game will have.

Instead, it’s better / more efficient to weld the entire model, set its primary part manually and move that. There’s a neat plugin by Ozzypig that does this for you.

If I wrote this free-handed, it would look something like this:

-- Weld the parts to the model's primary part
-- Set the primary part of the model to the primary part (do this manually in studio)
local x = math.random(-192, -166)
local z = math.random(187, 213)
local pos =, 200, z)

local dummy = game.StarterGui.plr.Dummy.Models.Start:Clone()
dummy.Parent = workspace.Dummys.Start
dummy.CFrame =, 200, z) * CFrame.Angles(0, math.random(1,360), 0))
dummy.Name = "d1"
local part = {Position =, 185, z )}

-- Assuming that these are defined above
local Tween = tweenService:Create(primary, tweeing, part)
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Hi, thanks for your help! But I had to do it by my own way, or else it doesn’t work. I tween a part of the dummy and a for loop makes the work… My question is, this will lag? The script performance seems ok

local Tween = tweenService:Create(dummy.Falling, tweening, pos1)

for i = 0, 55, 1 do
	local pos = dummy.Falling.Position

This line more specifically is what may cause performance issues. Like I’ve stated before, it’s more practical & more efficient if you weld the model before-hand and move the model based on it’s PrimaryPart.

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I did it but it didn’t work, the same problem as the gif I sent