local tool = script.Parent
local anim = script.Parent.IdleAnim
local holding
local character = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character or game.Players.LocalPlayer.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local hey = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid"):LoadAnimation(anim)
holding = true
while wait(0.1) and holding == true do
holding = false
I’m having the same issues with something I’m working on aswell, a way to reset the physics is to re equip the tool (obviously that’s not ideal). Try also setting every part on the tool to massless. If none of that works, re weld the parts together as it’s something wrong with the weld itself is my guess.
Make sure CanCollide is off and Massless is true for all BaseParts in the tool, if it still happens try to set a collision group that doesn’t collide default and default and set all the descendants to it.
Even though I checked 2 or 3 times if everything was massless and cancollide false, after checking a fourth time i saw one of the parts was not massless. Made it massless and now there are no problems with walking while having the weapon equipped. Anyway, thanks a lot for the collision group suggestion and the explanation. That will really help me in the future.