Problems with an animation that contains a tool

The character is not holding the tool in the animation.

flashlight animation

This is the animation.
As you can see the character is holding a flashlight in their hand.

flashlight animation2

I exported the animation and tried using it in another ROBLOX Studio place.
As you may see here the character is not holding the flashlight.
Did I do something wrong during the export or import?

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Parts dont get inserted with animation, try welding the tool onto ur hand with an script

The problem might be the fact that I really can’t script. I wanted to test the animations for a game, but I guess I have to ask the one who is scripting it. Thought I could do it on my own.

Or can you maybe try to show me on how do it?

local tool = script.Parent
local animation =“Animation”)
animation.Name = “Idle”
animation.AnimationId = “rbxassetid://0” – paste in ur id here
local track

tool.Equipped:Connect(function() – detects if tool is equipped
track = script.Parent.Parent.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(animation) – loads the animation into the player
track.Priority = Enum.AnimationPriority.Movement – sets the animation priority to movement
track.Looped = true – sets the animation on looped
track:Play() – plays the animation

tool.Unequipped:Connect(function() – detects if the tool is unequipped
if track then

This script will make the animation play on idle (put it in ur tool as local script)

Well you see this is a model not a tool.

Oh, maybe you can make it into a tool cause thats easier

How do I do it? Do I just put it in like it is a group like this?


Give handle uppercase H and put all these meshes into the handle, Ungroup it and weld all these meshes onto the Handle (Position the meshes correcly too)

Like this?



I think he said yes cause he liked the post