Problems with BanList

i’m having troubles on making the banlist. it should collect all banned players trought datastore and display them on the gui. but it doesn’t work. i don’t know why.

i would really love if anyone could help me

Could you describe more in detail of what isnt working?

when i tyoe >csbans it should show a gui with the list of banned players (bans are stored in datastore). but it doesn’t show any banned player. (and i tested that someone got banned but i can’t see it in the banland)

If you could add prints to most of the variables and give a console log it may allow us to find a point of failure in this script. If it’s not throwing an error I would highly recommend looking into what’s going on with the GUI as that would be the likely issue. (Sorry for the late response, expected someone to jump in)

Try printing the result of errorMsg, this should help :slight_smile:

if not success then
    error(errorMsg, 2);
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Thanks so much it helped :smiley: i Fixed it now!

What was the issue if I may ask?

that i could not view the banned player with ordered datastore, so i did this. now to ban - unban - visualize uses orderedDatastore