Problems with blender

Hi I’m trying to use blender2.8 to make a car with an image in the back ground but I always used blender 2.79 so now I don’t know how to set the image not transparent because right now the image of the car is semi-transparent and when I add a cube it makes a strange effect that I hate. Here some pictures-


I need this car for a roblox project but with this problem I can’t create it because it’s really noisy _ - _ I think that the problem is that when you put an image in blender is a bit transparent but with this new version I don’t know how to make it opaque.

The new way to use back round images in blender 2.8:

  1. Click and drag your image out of a file into blender(Like you would in an image editor like photo shop or Paint net):

  2. When you click on the image go look at where the settings are (on the right side of the screen):

  3. Then click the button that looks like a Image:

  4. Then in there you can set the transparency:

Helpful link


Thanks but I’ve found out that the images are already set to 1000 of transparency then I think is a cube problem but thanks anyways!