I wish to achieve an optimized client replication system that loads all active client replicated instances when the player joins the game. Currently, my simple system of creating VFX/Models/Animations on the client works just fine, but whenever new players load in, the VFX/Models/Animations (instances) that are client replicated are not loaded in for them.
The issue is that the new players aren’t loaded in whenever I fire the remote event to all clients to replicate the instances, so the instances don’t appear for them. This is especially the issue when I need these instances to last a long time, which is when this problem really impacts gameplay.
I’ve searched for this topic before, however nobody seems to have this problem. The only solution I can think about is storing all client replicated instances in a table on the server and then loading it when a new player loads in, but I have no idea how to store and load all of the properties within the instances(and their descendants) without it being extremely laggy or tedious to make.
This solution is the only thing I can think of, and I’ve yet to find others who have this problem. Any and all help is appreciated!