I’m currently trying to make a game with custom variants of cubes and for the most part, it works pretty good, but I’m right now being spoonfeeded with problems. I don’t have all cube variants ready, but I’ll make them later. Here’s the problem that I’m having:
As you can see, some of the parts are a little wonky. Here’s how it’s supposed to look:
As you may have probably noticed, it’s only with 4 cubes. Here’s my code:
local CFrameVectors = {
upVector = CFrame.new(v.Position, v.Position + Vector3.new(0, 0.5, 0)).LookVector * 1.85,
downVector = CFrame.new(v.Position, v.Position + Vector3.new(0, -0.5, 0)).LookVector * 1.85,
rightVector = CFrame.new(v.Position, v.Position + Vector3.new(0.5, 0, 0)).LookVector * 1.85,
leftVector = CFrame.new(v.Position, v.Position + Vector3.new(-0.5, 0, 0)).LookVector * 1.85,
frontVector = CFrame.new(v.Position, v.Position + Vector3.new(0, 0, -0.5)).LookVector * 1.85,
backVector = CFrame.new(v.Position, v.Position + Vector3.new(0, 0, 0.5)).LookVector * 1.85,
local params = RaycastParams.new()
params.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Exclude
params.FilterDescendantsInstances = {v}
local rayCast_UP = workspace:Raycast(v.Position, CFrameVectors.upVector, params)
local rayCast_DOWN = workspace:Raycast(v.Position, CFrameVectors.downVector, params)
local rayCast_RIGHT = workspace:Raycast(v.Position, CFrameVectors.rightVector, params)
local rayCast_LEFT = workspace:Raycast(v.Position, CFrameVectors.leftVector, params)
local rayCast_FRONT = workspace:Raycast(v.Position, CFrameVectors.frontVector, params)
local rayCast_BACK = workspace:Raycast(v.Position, CFrameVectors.backVector, params)
-- None --
if not rayCast_UP and not rayCast_DOWN and not rayCast_BACK and not rayCast_FRONT and not rayCast_LEFT and not rayCast_RIGHT then
local New_Cube = Cubes:WaitForChild("Beveled Cube"):Clone()
New_Cube.Parent = workspace
New_Cube.Name = v.Name
New_Cube.Position = v.Position
New_Cube.Orientation = Vector3.new(0, 0, 0)
-- Up, Down --
elseif rayCast_UP and not rayCast_DOWN and not rayCast_BACK and not rayCast_FRONT and not rayCast_LEFT and not rayCast_RIGHT then
local New_Cube = Cubes:WaitForChild("Single Beveled Cube"):Clone()
New_Cube.Parent = workspace
New_Cube.Name = v.Name
New_Cube.Position = v.Position
New_Cube.Orientation = Vector3.new(90, 0, 0)
elseif not rayCast_UP and rayCast_DOWN and not rayCast_BACK and not rayCast_FRONT and not rayCast_LEFT and not rayCast_RIGHT then
local New_Cube = Cubes:WaitForChild("Single Beveled Cube"):Clone()
New_Cube.Parent = workspace
New_Cube.Name = v.Name
New_Cube.Position = v.Position
New_Cube.Orientation = Vector3.new(-90, 0, 0)
elseif rayCast_UP and rayCast_DOWN and not rayCast_BACK and not rayCast_FRONT and not rayCast_LEFT and not rayCast_RIGHT then
local New_Cube = Cubes:WaitForChild("Double Sided Beveled Cube"):Clone()
New_Cube.Parent = workspace
New_Cube.Name = v.Name
New_Cube.Position = v.Position
New_Cube.Orientation = Vector3.new(0, 0, 90)
-- Left, Right --
elseif not rayCast_UP and not rayCast_DOWN and not rayCast_BACK and not rayCast_FRONT and rayCast_LEFT and not rayCast_RIGHT then
local New_Cube = Cubes:WaitForChild("Single Beveled Cube"):Clone()
New_Cube.Parent = workspace
New_Cube.Name = v.Name
New_Cube.Position = v.Position
New_Cube.Orientation = Vector3.new(0, 90, 0)
elseif not rayCast_UP and not rayCast_DOWN and not rayCast_BACK and not rayCast_FRONT and not rayCast_LEFT and rayCast_RIGHT then
local New_Cube = Cubes:WaitForChild("Single Beveled Cube"):Clone()
New_Cube.Parent = workspace
New_Cube.Name = v.Name
New_Cube.Position = v.Position
New_Cube.Orientation = Vector3.new(0, -90, 0)
elseif not rayCast_UP and not rayCast_DOWN and not rayCast_BACK and not rayCast_FRONT and rayCast_LEFT and rayCast_RIGHT then
local New_Cube = Cubes:WaitForChild("Double Sided Beveled Cube"):Clone()
New_Cube.Parent = workspace
New_Cube.Name = v.Name
New_Cube.Position = v.Position
New_Cube.Orientation = Vector3.new(0, 0, 0)
-- Front, Back --
elseif not rayCast_UP and not rayCast_DOWN and not rayCast_BACK and rayCast_FRONT and not rayCast_LEFT and not rayCast_RIGHT then
local New_Cube = Cubes:WaitForChild("Single Beveled Cube"):Clone()
New_Cube.Parent = workspace
New_Cube.Name = v.Name
New_Cube.Position = v.Position
New_Cube.Orientation = Vector3.new(0, 0, 0)
elseif not rayCast_UP and not rayCast_DOWN and rayCast_BACK and not rayCast_FRONT and not rayCast_LEFT and not rayCast_RIGHT then
local New_Cube = Cubes:WaitForChild("Single Beveled Cube"):Clone()
New_Cube.Parent = workspace
New_Cube.Name = v.Name
New_Cube.Position = v.Position
New_Cube.Orientation = Vector3.new(0, 180, 0)
elseif not rayCast_UP and not rayCast_DOWN and rayCast_BACK and rayCast_FRONT and not rayCast_LEFT and not rayCast_RIGHT then
local New_Cube = Cubes:WaitForChild("Double Sided Beveled Cube"):Clone()
New_Cube.Parent = workspace
New_Cube.Name = v.Name
New_Cube.Position = v.Position
New_Cube.Orientation = Vector3.new(0, 90, 0)
-- Front, Back, Left, Right --
elseif not rayCast_UP and not rayCast_DOWN and not rayCast_BACK and rayCast_FRONT and not rayCast_LEFT and rayCast_RIGHT then
print("gay :)")
local New_Cube = Cubes:WaitForChild("Edge Beveled Cube"):Clone()
New_Cube.Parent = workspace
New_Cube.Name = v.Name
New_Cube.Position = v.Position
New_Cube.Orientation = Vector3.new(0, 0, 0)
elseif not rayCast_UP and not rayCast_DOWN and not rayCast_BACK and rayCast_FRONT and rayCast_LEFT and not rayCast_RIGHT then
local New_Cube = Cubes:WaitForChild("Edge Beveled Cube"):Clone()
New_Cube.Parent = workspace
New_Cube.Name = v.Name
New_Cube.Position = v.Position
New_Cube.Orientation = Vector3.new(0, 90, 0)
elseif not rayCast_UP and not rayCast_DOWN and rayCast_BACK and not rayCast_FRONT and not rayCast_LEFT and rayCast_RIGHT then
local New_Cube = Cubes:WaitForChild("Edge Beveled Cube"):Clone()
New_Cube.Parent = workspace
New_Cube.Name = v.Name
New_Cube.Position = v.Position
New_Cube.Orientation = Vector3.new(0, -90, 0)
elseif not rayCast_UP and not rayCast_DOWN and rayCast_BACK and not rayCast_FRONT and rayCast_LEFT and not rayCast_RIGHT then
local New_Cube = Cubes:WaitForChild("Edge Beveled Cube"):Clone()
New_Cube.Parent = workspace
New_Cube.Name = v.Name
New_Cube.Position = v.Position
New_Cube.Orientation = Vector3.new(0, 180, 0)
(“v” is the part that I want to have a variant of (it’s in a for i, v loop))
Any help would be appreciated!