Problems with custom terrain generation

Hello, I’m currently working on a custom terrain generation system which uses triangles to create smooth terrain as shown below (all scripts are client side):

The system uses points to calculate what size and rotation to place the triangles based on their surrounding points. However, I’m experiencing an issue with the terrain loading in all locations as for an unknown reason, it will not load triangles in some regions as shown below (only the red area has triangles created):

Here is the code for generating the triangles in the terrain:

for i, Point in pairs(NewPoints) do -- Loops through the created points
		if Point.Color == Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) then -- Checks the points need to load triangles (I tried removing this and nothing changed)
			local Pos = Point.Position+GridOff -- Offsets the grid to get an accurate position
			local PosName =, 0, Pos.Z) -- Gets the triangle's name from the position and cancels out the Y axis

			local PointA = Point
			local PointB = Triangles:FindFirstChild(tostring(*Spacing, 0, 0))) -- Gets neighbouring points from the position and offset based off of the spacing of the points (2 studs)
			local PointC = Triangles:FindFirstChild(tostring(, 0, -1*Spacing)))

			local PointD = Triangles:FindFirstChild(tostring(*Spacing, 0, 0)))
			local PointE = Triangles:FindFirstChild(tostring(*Spacing, 0, -1*Spacing)))

			local Parts = {} -- Used to check all parts of the triangle loaded

			if PointA and PointB and PointC then			
				local PartA, PartB = Triangle.create(ThePos, PointA.Position, PointB.Position, PointC.Position, {PointA, PointB, PointC})-- Module script to create triangle
				if PartA and PartB then
					table.insert(Parts, PartA) -- Registers triangle parts
					table.insert(Parts, PartB)
				print("Missing Point")

			if PointD and PointE and PointC then
				local PartA, PartB = Triangle.create(ThePos, PointD.Position, PointE.Position, PointC.Position, {PointD, PointE, PointC}) -- Module script to create triangle
				if PartA and PartB then
					table.insert(Parts, PartA) -- Registers triangle parts
					table.insert(Parts, PartB)
				print("Missing Point")
			if #Parts == 4 and PointA and PointB and PointC and PointD and PointE then -- Checks if both triangles loaded
				Point.Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0)
				print(PointA, PointB, PointC, PointD, PointE)

I don’t think the issue is in the script to generate triangles as that script only checks for the players character and the issue occurs when the character has loaded into the game.

If you have any ideas or solutions please let me know
Thanks :slight_smile:

I realised it only loaded when travelling along the x or z axis when travelling in a posotive direction in the x axis and a negative direction on the z axis and if I walked the oposite direction it would only load in lines:

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