Problems with Database

I want a simple system with a leaderboard which saves data to a database.

For some reason the database is not properly working. When I do checks it returns nil, although it does give me a confirmation each time it saves data.

I’ve tried asking a friend and looked a bit on the forum but haven’t found anything useful so far.
Both scripts are listed below, thanks for reading!

PlayerData Module Script

local PlayerData = {}

local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local PlayerService = game:GetService("Players")

local storedData = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("idk")

playerID = nil

function PlayerData.getData(playerID) 
	local success, errorMsg = pcall(function()
		return storedData:GetAsync(playerID)
	if success  then
		print(playerID .. " was successfully requested by the server value: " .. storedData:GetAsync(playerID))

	if not success then
		print(playerID .. "'s Data was attempted to be requested " + errorMsg)

function PlayerData.setData(playerID, value)
	local success, errormsg = pcall(function() 
		storedData:SetAsync(playerID, value)
	if success then
		print(value .. " was set for player ID: " .. playerID .. "/" .. PlayerService:GetPlayerByUserId(playerID).Name)
	if not success then
		print("There was an error setting " .. value .. " for player ID: " .. playerID .. "/" .. PlayerService:GetPlayerByUserId(playerID).Name)

return PlayerData

Main Script

local DSS = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local StarterGUI = game:GetService("StarterGui")
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local PlayerData = require(game.ServerScriptService.PlayerData)


	local leaderstats ="Folder")
	leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats"
	leaderstats.Parent = player

	local stuff ="IntValue")
	stuff.Name = "stuff"
	stuff.Parent = leaderstats


	if (PlayerData.getData(player.UserId) ~= nil) then
		print(player.Name .. " is already stored in Database with value " .. PlayerData.getData(player.UserId))
		PlayerData.setData(player.UserId, PlayerData.getData(player.UserId) + 1)
		stuff.Value = PlayerData.getData(player.UserId)

		print(player.Name .. " is currently not stored in Database")
		PlayerData.setData(player.UserId, 1)
		stuff.Value = PlayerData.getData(player.UserId)

		local loweredText = string.lower(msg)
		if string.find(loweredText, "increase") then

			PlayerData.setData(player.UserId, stuff.Value + 1)
			stuff.Value = (PlayerData.getData(player.UserId))

			ReplicatedStorage.ChatEvent:FireClient(player.Name.. "'s stuff got changed from " .. stuff.Value - 1 .. " to " .. stuff.Value)

		elseif  string.find(loweredText, "check") then
			ReplicatedStorage.ChatEvent:FireAllClients("Current Value: " .. PlayerData.getData(player.UserId))

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errorMsg in a GetAsync is normally written as “data”, since this is the thing returning your data.
If it returns nil, that means the GetAsync request was successful, but there’s no data saved to the key, hence “nil”.
What you’re trying to do is add “to be requested” a string, with “+ errorMsg” a “nil” data, this is not possible.
Try instead: This separates the data types in the print statement

 print("data was...", errorMsg)

You may have an error like this in other places, adding a comma instead of a + or …, is always safest when working with possible multiple data types.

If no data is found, (it returns nil), you should create a datatable or value to be saved for the player which you can then update as you go.

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add return success within the if success then code contained within PlayerData.getData()


Thank you for the replies!
It unfortunately didn’t fix the actual issue, however I did manage to fix it myself.
I haven’t 100% understood why it was not working before.
Instead of immediately returning the GetAsync I used a variable to save the value.

foundValue = storedData:GetAsync(playerID)

And returned the value of the variable in the if success statement:

if success  then
		print(playerID .. " was successfully requested by the server value: " .. foundValue)
		return foundValue

Have a good evening:)

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