Problems with FPS Gun

Hello, I’m currently having trouble with a gun a dev made for me a while ago. I’m trying to transport the gun from one game to another, but it is only working in the game the dev made.

Gun in game the dev made: -TFO Test place- - Roblox Studio 8_1_2020 10_58_00 AM

Gun in the game I copy and pasted it into: C__Users_natha_Downloads_RPS HQ, Southern Florida.rbxl - Roblox Studio 8_1_2020 10_56_57 AM

When I click on the gun in the game I copy and pasted it into, nothing happens. I don’t know what is going on, all help is appreciated as this gun is very important for my group.

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Try to look for any other scripts in the first game that may be related to the gun and copy and paste them into the exact same spot in the other game.

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check for remote events in replicated storage, any scripts in server script service, and any local scripts

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That’s most likely because on the other game it forced the character to be R6. Those guns tend to only work for R6 Rigs.

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