Problems with lighting

Hi! I have a big problem in the game with uneven lighting. I tried everything so that the part that is practically not lighted was also lighted as the first part.

The first part:

The second part:

In the lamps that lighting there are the same settings and CastShadow are enabled for two parts are included.

The same problem is in the rest of the parts, the left part is well lit in contrast to the other right.

This problem

I see that they’re free models. Try using surface lighting on some of the walls themselves; unless you’re going for ultra realism the light doesn’t need to emit from the actual light source.

However, if you still wish for the light to emit from the actual light (which you probably do) try increasing the range of the light. Open explorer and properties, go into the light model, and find PointLight or SpotLight. In properties, increase brightness and range accordingly.
Hope this helps.