Problems with linear velocity,the part is not static

I’m trying to make a bullet with linear velocity, but the problem is that the part looks like it’s hanging on to the attachment, here I show you a video so you can see what I mean:

and this does not happen with body velocity, the part its static

The reason why I don’t use body velocity instead of linear velocity is because BV is realtive to the world, and since I want to make a bullet I want the bullet to move according to where it is looking, and I can only do that with LV

Your attachment is on the edge of the Part, so the velocity will act relative to the edge of the part. Place the attachment at the centre of mass of the Part, this way it will act relative to the apparent position at which weight acts for the Part.

You can view the CenterOfMass Property under the part to find the exact position. You can also use AssemblyCenterOfMass in scripting for multiple connected objects.

Also, BodyVelocity is deprecated and was replaced by LinearVelocity, so it shouldn’t really be used anyway.

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That helped, but the part keeps moving instead of being static.

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Would using AlignOrientation in sync with this be a feasible option?

I just tried it, and it’s not a very good solution

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Ok, what is bad about using AlignOrientation as a solution for your requirements?

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The problem was that I saw it as somewhat unstable, in addition to using it, now the orientation of the part was relative to the orientation of the attachment, that is what I believed, but when the attachment was rotated, the orientation of the part remained the same, and the The speed continued in the same direction, and when the part rotated, being under the control of the align position, it gave the same result, the direction of the speed did not change and the part returned to the orientation exerted

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Wait, I already solved it, apparently with body velocity you can also use it to move a part depending on where you look

only this script is needed

local part = script.Parent
local BV = part.BodyVelocity

while wait(0.001) do
	BV.Velocity = part.CFrame.LookVector * 50

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Anyway, thank you very much for trying to help me, it is greatly appreciated.

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