Problems with lists

Alrighty! So, I have this issue where my script only runs through the list and only runs it for 1 item. It also doesnt even change the transparency or collision on that item. I tried moving the variable “H1” into the list, which did not work. I hope someone can help me fix this!

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService(“ReplicatedStorage”)
local DisExit = game.Workspace.DisExit1
local teleportEvent = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild(“Button5”)
local Repeat;
local h1 = game.Workspace.TheEnd:GetChildren() --A model containing over 700 parts

local FlashBang = script.Parent



	local list64 = {

for i,v in pairs(list64) do
	if ~= "LightsSay" then ----So its not checking for a model
	v.Transparency = 0
		v.Cancollide = true
		print("H")	--This only prints once


local lighting = game.Lighting
lighting.Blur.Size = 100
script.Parent.BackgroundTransparency = 0
lighting.ColorCorrection.Brightness = 1
Repeat = 100
while Repeat > 0 do
	lighting.Blur.Size = lighting.Blur.Size - 1
	script.Parent.BackgroundTransparency = 	script.Parent.BackgroundTransparency + 0.01
	Repeat = Repeat - 1
	lighting.ColorCorrection.Brightness = 	lighting.ColorCorrection.Brightness - 0.01


Hope this isnt too hard to fix : /

You are adding a table inside a table, not assigning a table to another.

Should be

local list64 = h1

What are you trying to do? Loop through everything in the model?

Yeah, im trying to make everything inside of the model become visible and have can collide turned on.

Can I see the tree structure of the model?