Problems with my Teleport Party System


  1. What do I want to achieve?

I’m trying to create a Party Teleport GUI System, similarly to the ones made in “Where’s the Baby!” and “SAKTK,” which players can create and select “Servers” to join and play with friends and other players.

  1. What is the issue?

There is an issue with the RemoteEvents; it doesn’t show the same results in other player’s GUI. This only happens when players join at different times—which is reasonable in games since we can’t expect players to join at the same time.

  1. What solutions have I tried so far?

I have gotten the system to work to the extent to which players are able to join servers—somewhat. However, there aren’t many resources—at least when I tried to look them up—about creating a Teleport Party System used throughout many games; also, I do not have much experience with RemoteEvents and client-server relationships, so it’s very difficult me to comprehend this problem. I also do not have much experience with GUIs and such.

How it’s supposed to work:

(Note that it only works when the two players have joined at the same time and each of them haven’t touched the UIs.)

The Issue:

Player1 joins first and sets his name in the server; Player3 joins a bit later.
This is what Player 1 sees:

Player3 has just joined the game, and this is what he sees:

Both players are viewing two different screens. Player1 sees his name on the List; but, Player3 doesn’t see anyone’s name on the List.

Then the problem is that the changes to the UI arent replicating across all clients UIs

Can we see the scripts where remotes are used, screenshots of what it should look like arent enough to go on for a fix.