Hello everyone, good morning.
I currently need to create a region3 to detect players inside that area. I am having a problem tho. The region is not being correctly made. So I am trying to create a region between these two parts:
And here is the code:
local region3 = Region3.new(workspace:WaitForChild("rg1").Position, workspace:WaitForChild("rg2").Position)
The problem is that when I went inside the area the region was not detecting me in it. So I decided to “visualize” the region3 by creating a part with the region’s CFrame and Size. Here is the code:
local region3 = Region3.new(workspace:WaitForChild("rg1").Position, workspace:WaitForChild("rg2").Position)
local regionVisualizer = Instance.new("Part")
regionVisualizer.Name = "rV"
regionVisualizer.Anchored = true
regionVisualizer.Size = region3.Size
regionVisualizer.CFrame = region3.CFrame
regionVisualizer.Parent = workspace
Here is what I saw:
I am really confused right now. I am not sure what may be causing the problem.