Hi, I am trying to simulate the horizontal alignment of a UIListLayout out of boredom. The problem I have is that the horizontal alignment of the frames does not work correctly. I provide code and capture
local function simulateHorizontalListLayout()
local spacing = 10 -- Spacing between cells
local containerWidth = HotbarFrame.AbsoluteSize.X -- Width of the container frame
local containerHeight = HotbarFrame.AbsoluteSize.Y -- Height of the container frame
local totalCellsWidth = 0 -- Accumulated width of all cells
local maxCellHeight = 0 -- Maximum height among all cells
-- Calculate the total width and maximum height of the cells
for _, cell in ipairs(HotbarFrame:GetChildren()) do
local cellWidth = cell.AbsoluteSize.X -- Width of the current cell
local cellHeight = cell.AbsoluteSize.Y -- Height of the current cell
totalCellsWidth = totalCellsWidth + cellWidth -- Add current cell's width to the total width
maxCellHeight = math.max(maxCellHeight, cellHeight) -- Update maximum cell height if current cell is taller
local totalSpacing = (#HotbarFrame:GetChildren() - 1) * spacing -- Total spacing between cells
local offsetX = (containerWidth - totalCellsWidth - totalSpacing) / 2 -- Calculate the X offset to center the cells
local currentX = offsetX -- Current X position to place the cells
local centerYOffset = (containerHeight - maxCellHeight) / 2 -- Calculate the Y offset to center the cells vertically
for _, cell in ipairs(HotbarFrame:GetChildren()) do
local cellWidth = cell.AbsoluteSize.X -- Width of the current cell
local cellHeight = cell.AbsoluteSize.Y -- Height of the current cell
cell.Position = UDim2.new(0, currentX, .5, 0)
currentX = currentX + cellWidth + spacing
Some examples (the white square is the AnchorPoint of the container):
I left comments in the code to explain a little bit what each line does, I forgot to comment the last lines, if you need some explanation about the last lines I will provide it
It seems that the frames’ center that they align on is half the width of one frame to the left relative to the actual center, couldn’t you add half a frame’s width to the x position of each frame?
local function simulateHorizontalListLayout()
local spacing = 10 -- Spacing between cells
local containerWidth = HotbarFrame.AbsoluteSize.X -- Width of the container frame
local containerHeight = HotbarFrame.AbsoluteSize.Y -- Height of the container frame
local totalCellsWidth = 0 -- Accumulated width of all cells
local maxCellHeight = 0 -- Maximum height among all cells
-- Calculate the total width and maximum height of the cells
for _, cell in ipairs(HotbarFrame:GetChildren()) do
local cellWidth = cell.AbsoluteSize.X -- Width of the current cell
local cellHeight = cell.AbsoluteSize.Y -- Height of the current cell
totalCellsWidth = totalCellsWidth + cellWidth -- Add current cell's width to the total width
maxCellHeight = math.max(maxCellHeight, cellHeight) -- Update maximum cell height if current cell is taller
local totalSpacing = (#HotbarFrame:GetChildren() - 1) * spacing -- Total spacing between cells
local offsetX = (containerWidth - totalCellsWidth - totalSpacing) / 2 -- Calculate the X offset to center the cells
local currentX = offsetX -- Current X position to place the cells
local centerYOffset = (containerHeight - maxCellHeight) / 2 -- Calculate the Y offset to center the cells vertically
local halfCellWidth = 0.5 * totalCellsWidth / #HotbarFrame:GetChildren() -- Half the width of a cell
for _, cell in ipairs(HotbarFrame:GetChildren()) do
local cellWidth = cell.AbsoluteSize.X -- Width of the current cell
local cellHeight = cell.AbsoluteSize.Y -- Height of the current cell
cell.Position = UDim2.new(0, currentX + halfCellWidth, 0.5, 0) -- Set the position of the cell, aligning it to the center vertically
currentX = currentX + cellWidth + spacing -- Move the X position to the next cell position with spacing