Problems with textures

Hi everybody, recently I’ve made a texture in blender for a test, but I’m having some problems with when putting it into the mesh.

I can’t see the texture on the mesh I just see it white ( I tried it on different meshes too to see if it was a mesh problem)

To make the texture I’ve unwrapped the mesh and then colored it in texture paint
I can’t understand why I can’t see the texture in roblox

This is how to texture should look like:

If you’re trying to put that texture on this mesh:
Check the UVs of the object. I have a feeling that all the verts are at 0, 0 and require you to unwrap the UVs of the object again

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I’m trying to put it on that block, I just putted it on that other mesh to show that I can’t see it on any mesh. But I’ll try anyways thanks

UV painting the mesh should fix the problem,
use this tutorial to learn how to UV unwrap it properly -
after that just use the brush and paint the texture you want.

I already UV painted the mesh, and I use blender 2.79

Try updating to the 2.8 and painting in it, see if it fixes the problem.

Sure I’ll try it.


Also make sure you are exporting it in .OBJ

The mesh into roblox studio or the mesh into blender 2.8?

Export it from blender as an .OBJ then import it to Roblox studio.

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Thanks it worked I just had to export the meshes as .OBJ

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