The first picture here is what it looks like, and the second picture is the collisions.
Before I get into this, the dirt is one union, and the grass is one union.
Hey developers,
I have a problem with union collisions (of course), and I need to fix this. As you might see in the picture with the Show Decomposition Geometry enabled, the collisions on the grass part that leads up to the hill are not what I want.
I’ve tried changing the collision fidelity from Default to Box to Hull to PreciseConvexDecomposition. Nothing seemed to work.
Now I could just not make it a union, but making it not a union would just make the grass overlap and that would not be very pretty.
If you really need to make it a Union, make the flat grass areas one union, and the ramps out of grass. The edges won’t be such an issue then.
You can also make the dirt CanCollide off, and use transparent Parts to keep players out.
Are those two sections flat or angled?
If they’re flat I’d suspect you have the Color or Reflectance at different settings.
If they are angled I’d suggest playing with your Lighting and Ambience settings.
They are flat, but they are unioned together, so I can’t really have them as different colors or reflectance. I have UsePartColor checked btw. They seem to be at the same Y position as well…