Hello, while working on my game i’ve decided to add a viewmodel to my first person system, and to say the least, it doesn’t pair well with my takedown system.
once i get taken down by an enemy i will get ragdolled and flinged in a direction, that is no problem but once its time to get up the viewmodel seems to mess with the character’s position and the player is pretty much flying weirdly through parts. To understand this better you may want to test for yourself here: SussyTest - Roblox
( you could just enable the enemies or say “test” to get taken down, after 15 seconds the character will try to get up, and that’s where the issue happens)
This is the main piece of code for the VM:
function viewModel:EnableCenteredArms()
self.RenderStepConnection = game["Run Service"].RenderStepped:Connect(function()
local PlayerCameraMode = self.player.CameraMode
if PlayerCameraMode == Enum.CameraMode.LockFirstPerson then
self.VM:SetPrimaryPartCFrame( (self.camera.CFrame * CFrame.new(0,-1,0)) )
self.arms[1].Part0 = self.VM.Torso
self.arms[2].Part0 = self.VM.Torso