Procedually generating a track mesh using bezier curves and an EditableMesh

Using Bhristt’s Bezier Curve Module, an EditableMesh and a lot of time, I have created a procedural track generator! It works by using lots of small segments - in this case, 7 studs long. I hard-coded the cross-section of the track into the mesh, and then placed the segments along the curve and connected them with lots of triangles and vertices. It’s hard to explain. Anyway, if you want to see the code, let me know!


Hey this is right up my alley on the new game i’m making, its amazing to see someone finally implement procedural mesh-generation within roblox studio. I’d be really happy for the code and hopefully be able to have my own spin on it!

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Thanks for your interest! I’ll make the module open-source now, but note it’s not entirely finished yet and actually only covers half of the mechanics. The other half of the code simply uses a spline module to create the path to place the track on.

EDIT: Here’s the link to the asset:

Hey, I tried clicking the link but I dont have access to the asset, have you put it on sale?

I’m so dumb -_-
Put it onsale now, sorry!

No worries, thank you so much for this by the way! :+1:

It’s alr
Oh and before I forget, it does have one fatal flaw, It uses EditableMeshes, which are included in a beta feature which currently only works in studio.

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