"procedural animation" question

I’m making a procedural animation system for simple use, such as for manipulating the arms and head. however some of my animations i plan on doing use both hands for wielding a single object, i.e shotguns.

how would I be able to move both of these while still keeping their normal wielding hand formation?

possible to have more things to be able to help you?

what? I’m just asking a question on how I would be able to do such thing.

for example the scripts if you can show me

I don’t have a script to show, I have zero clue on how to do this so I am asking how I COULD do it.

okay do you need the scripts then???

what do you think? have you considered readjng what i justbsaid i dont think u saw

no no i know how to make procedural animation you goofball, im asking HOW i could make 2 handed animations procedurally

sorry i can’t help you i work more towards scripts and please don’t put the problem on scripts

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but, procedural animation requires scripts… also its in the title, if you cant answer the question you can might as well pass