how and when did you come up with the concept that can be able to generate terrains, including the assets itself?
If you’re asking how I came up with the idea to generate terrain procedurally, I’ve always been a fan of procedural generation in games for two reasons.
A: It’s way easier than making the terrain by hand and placing assets by hand. I don’t even know how long this example place would’ve taken by hand… Some studio smooth terrain sculpter pros can probably give me a better idea here.
B: When the world is generated procedurally/with a random seed, it makes it more fun for me to explore because I don’t know what to expect and it’s always really exciting finding new things and cool little areas
Does it take long to generate the terrains?
a 4k * 4k map took me about 3 minutes with three phases, 1st phase being chunk generation, 2nd phase being drawing, 3rd phase being asset placement. This however can be optimized, I just haven’t had the chance yet.
How does the assets move?
CFrame, tried constraints but they’re probably more performance intensive, and I couldn’t get them working right anyways
How does the generations work?
To generate terrain I use roblox’s built in perlin noise function on a 2D chunk grid. I use something called Fractal Brownian Motion which is just a fancy term for layering multiple octaves together which affect frequency and amplitude per octave.
I also use some multi-fractal ridged noise on some mountains, and other small transformations on the noise output to get the results I want. I use noise for height, materials, and asset placement all with their own tweaked parameters. Most of it is just trial and error.
There are various tutorials online for this kind of stuff but this is a great RDC talk by @Crazyman32 which goes over the basics.