Product: exe | Most Stunning Admin Panel Yet

I know that, and I confirm it’s great in it’s own way :wink:

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I highly disagree, make your own troll panel or chill panel: This Admin panel is fantastic for corporate and formal games or any games with focused staff.

A suggestion tho: Addons this would allow people to create stuff @blve_hxrizon like chill and other commands.

Or ‘formal’ roleplay games :person_shrugging:

With ‘chilling’ I wasn’t talking about ‘troll panel’, I was talking about something like hangout games, and I wouldn’t add many ‘hd admin command stuff’, even if it fits :person_shrugging:

Final V4 Teasers:

With V4, you can combine different procedures like this command “Character Scale” which comprises 2 procedures; player and input resulting in 8 Permutations of different compositions.

With V4, sliders are available upon setting your own Custom Command. Minimum and maximum values, default value, and increment value are available to be configured.


Looks amazing. I love the detail on the UI and the way it all just comes together nicely.

Gotham Font is about to be removed and deprecated from studio which is V3’s primary font. The incoming V4 however, uses Inter as a primary font, thankfully.

V3 & V4 side to side:


when is exe gonna release/ when is the aprox release date

things in my todo list will tell… :wink:

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does this mean it’ll come sometime tomorrow or in an hour? if so i’m already excited

Product: exe V4 is Coming Next Week!

In the meantime, you can check How to Create Custom Commands in V4! or you can check How to Set V4 up!


The UI is clean and amazing and I love the V4 Features. So it is worth waiting for.

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Can we see how the notifications look in v4?



When hovering, you can see the time it takes before it collapses and you can simply click to collapse it as well.


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It’s here, Product: exe V4 is finally out!


How could I add more webhooks, such as when I get jailed or so? I have tried adding the events and adding them in the list but it does not work.

I’ve been seeing this as the discussion of many developers, and personally I really like this. You managed to make the interface look stunning and similar to the design of the in-game Roblox interface, its almost like an unofficial Roblox admin system for game owners and moderators. Very cool stuff!


day 2 of asking how can i add more webhooks events (more logs in general)

day 3 of asking how can i add more webhooks events (more logs in general)