Salutations! I am the Founder/Chairman of Levi’s Resorts. But first, what is Levi’s Resorts?
Levi’s Resorts was founded on 5/4/2020 by Levizye! We currently have 234 group members and 105 discord server members.
Although, we are trying to make more advertisements so we can grow! But, we need an advertisement.
Examples of what we are looking for
Examples of what we are looking for
Credits to Harr_ier for those graphics.
The payment is 200-300 Robux for the graphics.
- Must have examples to show me.
- Must ask for the job ONLY if you think you are eligible for this advertisement.
Under 13
Twitter: @YahzvRBLX
13 or over
Discord: Levizye#4279
1 Like
Hey there! I believe that I possess the skill to make these as I am interested. You can contact me on discord : dylan:bat:#1600,havee a great day!
Adding you now. Thanks for contacting.
Also, it says the user is invalid. Try adding mine! Levizye#4279
NOTICE: Doesn’t mean someone replied to this post, doesn’t mean the offer is closed. I am taking the best offer out of all I see.
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