Professional Scripter - Rickety [FOR HIRE]

Scripter for hire, Rickety

About me

Hello! I’m Rickety. Highly Organized, Will get your requirements met. I do things professionally. No time to waste. 5+ YOE on and off. BS in Computer Science.

If you are looking for someone who can take your idea and sort it out so both you and I can understand what you want, I’m the one. If you have a list of requirements that needs to be done exactly like it is, these are my preferred clients. We never start until you are satisfied on how you want it.

Verified by other talented scripters

Hidden Devs Skill Check
To get the scripter role, you have to go through a submission process and an Application Reader who is skilled in the role you apply for will check your work. I have been selected to be a verified scripter on the Hidden Devs community.

Proof I'm verified

My hidden devs ad

Past work

Most of my work is on Twitter:

bomberman game: [ALPHA] bomb em! - Roblox

Reviews (4.9 :star:'s)

5 reviews


Payment depends on project length and requirements.
I currently take 30,000+ Robux or $100+ Paypal, Venmo or Cashapp.


Don’t be afraid to ask me for a quote on your commission :slight_smile:
Discord: Rickety808


I vouch for this man’s work :smiley:

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Thank you for the vouch dragon! :smiley:

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Also forgot to mention please drop your discord in the reply if you want to work with me here. I get a lot of friend requests so I can’t tell which ones come from Dev Forum. Thank you in advance :slight_smile:

Reached out to you on discord. Username is igriffn!

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Responded, can’t wait to work with you!