Professional Tone - Grammar Corrector

🎙 Professional Tone

Professional Tone is a simple and open-source model that works with an API to provide predictions, entire sentence corrections, and many more.

This was mainly made for Cafe and Hotel genres; however, it can be used for many other genres.

Why choose Professional Tone?

We don’t promise a 100% Grammar Corrector; however, we’re committed to providing simple grammar solutions for players to start with.

How does this work?

We use an online API that provides Grammar Corrections for free.

Every time you unfocus a textBox (for example, the Chat bar), this runs a check using the API and shows you some corrections and predictions.

All corrections go through the strict Roblox Filtering system before being shown to the player.

:sparkles: Features:

  • :heavy_check_mark: Entire sentence correction.
  • :brain: Word predictions.
  • :speech_balloon: Supports 4 languages.
  • Punctuation correction (:hammer: being made).
  • And many more!

How to install it?

Insert the model below and edit the settings inside the Main script.

:paperclip:Insert :page_facing_up:Source

Feel free to give your feedback and comments. I’ll be reading them!


Sounds like a really good Quality Of Life plugin! As a person who isn’t a native english speaker, it can be quite easy to mess up some grammar. :+1:


V2.2 Update

  • Improved code.
  • Improved Gui (now better for the eyes :slight_smile:).
  • Click sound added!
  • Panel for reviewing your corrections.

robloxapp-20221105-1842086.wmv (474.2 KB)

V2.3 Update

  • :speech_balloon: Language Detection.
  • Code Improvements.

Hover on any TextLabel to detect their language!

Module Release

I have released a Module that includes all the functions above (Whole sentence correction, Predictions, and Language detection).

ProfessionalToneModule.rbxm (1.4 KB)


SentenceCorrection(sentence, lang, correctTyposInPartialWord, plr) (Returns a whole filtered Sentence Correction)

Args Class
sentence String
lang String
correctTyposInPartialWord Bool
plr Player

Predictions(sentence, lang, correctTyposInPartialWord, NumberOfPredictions, plr) (Returns a table containing a filtered list of predictions)

Args Class
sentence String
lang String
correctTyposInPartialWord Bool
NumberOfPredictions Number
plr Player

LanguageDetection(text) (Returns a string containing the language in low-case)

Args Class
text String

Supported Languages:


Thank you guys for the support!

How can i make it forced? For example like City-17.

Shadows should either just be in the Botton or in all sides.
It is both up & down which is a bit ugly, I recommend and like only having shadows in the bottom.

The background should be the ideal uiBlox background color 35,35,35 (RGB) and the top should be 25,25,25 (RGB)

The scroll bar is too thick, do maybe 1/4 of that.

Give the card a UI stroke which is gray and has a thickness of 1-2.

Edit: Also change the font to Gotham in all of them, Use

  • Gotham semi bold for thin,
  • Gotham bold for normal text,
  • Gotham black for headings,

It’s a great UI, I just have some little pet peeves with UI.

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Thank you for your feedback, I can agree with you on some points. I’ll bring a few changes to the UI in the next update.

Hey! May you be more clear on this sentence?

V2.4 Update

  • Minor Changes regarding the scripts.
  • :hammer: 1 Bug fix.
  • UI Improvements.


Ello! I meant by can i force grammar correction across all players by using this?

Currently no. we’re testing this feature multiple times before releasing it to the public.

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Hello, @iitreyonly. This seems like a cool project and I used to use it in my roleplay games, however it no longer works. I’ve tried on LegacyChatService and TextChatService and I’ve made sure that it’s configured and that Http Request are allowed. Could you tell me if there are any issues?

It’s being re-made, we now have a new team of scripters hired. we’ll fix this as quickly as possible. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you for your patience, we’ve fixed all bugs and restored our UI to the modern one (we switched to an old UI version by accident, which may have broken it), and it should work for everyone now. :slight_smile:

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Alright, thank you for this update, I’ll try it now.

This is really cool!
This would be great for my text-heavy experience. I’ll definitely try this out!

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Hmm still doesn’t work for me. Has the new version been uploaded to roblox or just source?

We’ve made some changes, now it should. :slight_smile:

Note that this only works for the Legacy Chat Service, we do not support TextChatService due to a lack of proper documentation.

To enable Legacy Chat Service, open Roblox Studio, head to “Chat” on Explorer, and change to “LegacyChatService”

Will test the new version, I did change it to the Legacy Chat Service. Are there any plans for TextChatService once the documentation improves? Also how do I configure it as the new published version is a module script?

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