Professionalism Act #0001
This act is to ensure all Education and Training Services Personnel are presenting themselves with professionalism whether if they may be hosting or not. In other words, ALL Training Service Staff are to present themselves professionally whilst on-duty and in any British Army Grounds. (Aldershot, Parade Grounds, Ally Grounds etc…)
1. All Training Services are to wear full uniform whilst on duty, No t-shirts are to be present when you are on-duty.
2. Higher ranking personnel are to always present themselves with maturity and professionalism on-duty or off-duty. Discord may be an exception but keep it to a limit.
3. Instructor+ are to act as an example for everyone else in the regiment, This includes:
- Maturity
- Leadership
- Professionalism
4. (a) When you are in the academy, the only suitable hairstyle is TRECKY HAIR & DAPPER DAN. It’s highly recommended that you wear Berets to present yourself much better and sharper.
(Any Training Service Personnel getting reports of lack of professionalism or engaging in an argument with a Higher Rank or anyone will be dealt with accordingly.)
Executive of the Education and Training Services, and 17frames.