Profile only Showing 1 Topic Created


Recently, I’ve been getting a lot of my older topics removed due to old information and things that I don’t necessarily want on the forum anymore and this has led to the Forum listing that I have 0 topics created. That’s not true. Today it updated due to a #help-and-feedback post I did but it’s still inaccurate.

I’m not sure if this is replicable (mainly because you would have to ask to get many of your posts removed) but it is still an issue. Please keep the topic count updated, at least on a daily basis with an accurate number.


While I don’t disagree this is a bug, the amount of effort required to investigate and resolve here for an edge case that affects only a very small amount of users is very high, so I wouldn’t expect us to be able to get to this any time soon. Especially since this is just a forum statistic and doesn’t get in the way of forum usage.

If this matters a lot to you, you can create repro steps on the default version of Discourse and send that to the Discourse maintainers, then we would pull in the fix eventually.

Apologies for the inconvenience!