Profile picture not updating

My Roblox avatar and my dev forum profile picture are very different. Is there any way to update my DF profile picture? I had this avatar on for about an hour a few months ago while trolling. My profile picture updated to this and I’m not sure how to make it update. Help?


It does, You just need to wait! When you change it, the profile pic don’t update on the same time that you change the profile in.


It’s updated now. Not sure what happened, but now it updated.

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Yeah, this is simple. My DF profile picture is outdated too. You have to log out of your DevForum account on all devices.(should be in your preferences somewhere.) You should see the option when you click your profile picture on the top right.

No, waiting doesn’t work. My avatar has been outdated for months, almost about a year.


I usually just change my outfit real quick, click log-out and then log back in. Most of the time it fixes itself after that.


Well the updating power is not so fast in this forum. Maybe that’s the reason. By the way, next time if you want to change it than log out, go to your Roblox home page and log in back in this forum.

Logout and login.

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