Profile pictures angled weirdly on the forum and website?

For some people their profile picture is displayed at a weird angle both on the forum and website.



This is not a bug, but an intentional change in behaviour that appears to only be enabled for a small group (aka an A/B Test). Roblox has changed the angle of which profile pictures are rendered.

In the future, please consider all reasonable posibilities and asking around informally before deciding to file a bug report.


Why is it that I yet don’t have this new change, I have the old format…
Nvm- thanks @COUNTYL1MITS for letting me know!

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You do not have this new change due to it being in A/B testing.

I didn’t have the change enabled. I don’t think it’s on an A/B group basis - if you update your avatar the profile image probably will update to the new format. This worked for me and everyone I have talked to.

You said it, not me

I’ve tested and it will only change to the new angle if the avatar is redrawn (user changes or clicks redraw button) but it doesn’t apply to all users, hence A/B test. This is obvious when talking about an A/B change regarding character headshot position.

Thanks for the report, I can confirm this is intentional for the main website, not a bug. We use the same avatars here as whatever the website uses, which is by design.


just something I noticed:
My roblox profile render has the newer weird render whereas my devfourm profile has the older render
this wouldn’t happen to be a bug would it?



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