I recently installed ProfileService for DataStores and it’s not working properly. I’ve searched through the DevForum and all related posts with solution are locked and I do not understand how to fix the issue.
The first error I get is " ServerScriptService.DataStore.Data:54: attempt to index nil with ‘MetPete’", and then everything breaks because other scripts cannot find certain instances because they were never created due to the error.
Here’s the module with the template:
local module = {
Coins = 0,
Gems = 0,
Level = 0,
Exp = 0,
QuestNum = 1,
QuestInProgress = false,
QuestStats = {
MetPete = false,
SticksCollected = 0,
BoughtWire = false,
Boosts = {
CoinsBoosts = 0,
CoinsBoostsTime = 0,
GemsBoosts = 0,
GemsBoostsTime = 0,
Settings = {
Music = true,
SFX = true,
World = true,
Notifications = true,
ShowBoosts = true,
ShowLevel = true,
LevelDisplay = "Round",
ShowTime = true,
TimeFormat = "24H",
Weather = true,
RealisticLighting = true,
FancyTerrain = true,
Items = {
FishingWire = 0,
Trails = {
RedTrail = 0,
OrangeTrail = 0,
YellowTrail = 0,
LimeTrail = 0,
GreenTrail = 0,
CyanTrail = 0,
BlueTrail = 0,
PinkTrail = 0,
PurpleTrail = 0,
BlueFadeTrail = 0,
Updates = {
Tutorial = false,
BETA = false,
Codes = {
Code1 = false,
Code2 = false,
Code3 = false,
return module
Here’s the datastore script:
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local ServerScriptService = game:GetService("ServerScriptService")
local Template = require(script.Parent.Template)
local ProfileService = require(script.Parent.ProfileService)
local Manager = require(script.Parent.Manager)
--Always keep string as "Data" to no wipe Player data!!!--
local ProfileStore = ProfileService.GetProfileStore("Data", Template)
local function GiveLeaderstats(player: Player)
local Profile = Manager.Profiles[player]
if not Profile then return end
local leaderstats = Instance.new("Folder", player)
leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats"
local Level = Instance.new("NumberValue", leaderstats)
Level.Name = "Level"
Level.Value = Profile.Data.Level
local Exp = Instance.new("NumberValue", leaderstats)
Exp.Name = "Exp"
Exp.Value = Profile.Data.Exp
local Coins = Instance.new("NumberValue", leaderstats)
Coins.Name = "Coins"
Coins.Value = Profile.Data.Coins
local Gems = Instance.new("NumberValue", leaderstats)
Gems.Name = "Gems"
Gems.Value = Profile.Data.Gems
local QuestNum = Instance.new("NumberValue", player)
QuestNum.Name = "QuestNum"
QuestNum.Value = Profile.QuestNum
local QuestInProgress = Instance.new("BoolValue", player)
QuestInProgress.Name = "QuestInProgress"
QuestInProgress.Value = Profile.QuestInProgress
--Quest Stats--
local QuestStats = Instance.new("Folder", player)
QuestStats.Name = "QuestStats"
local MetPete = Instance.new("BoolValue", QuestStats)
MetPete.Name = "MetPete"
MetPete.Value = Profile.QuestStats.MetPete
local SticksCollected = Instance.new("NumberValue", QuestStats)
SticksCollected.Name = "SticksCollected"
SticksCollected.Value = Profile.QuestStats.SticksCollected
local BoughtWire = Instance.new("BoolValue", QuestStats)
BoughtWire.Name = "BoughtWire"
BoughtWire.Value = Profile.QuestStats.BoughtWire
local Boosts = Instance.new("Folder", player)
Boosts.Name = "Boosts"
local CoinsBoosts = Instance.new("NumberValue", Boosts)
CoinsBoosts.Name = "CoinsBoosts"
CoinsBoosts.Value = Profile.Data.Boosts.CoinsBoosts
local CoinsBoostTime = Instance.new("NumberValue")
CoinsBoostTime.Name = "Time"
CoinsBoostTime.Value = Profile.Data.Boosts.CoinsBoostsTime
local GemsBoosts = Instance.new("NumberValue")
GemsBoosts.Name = "GemsBoosts"
GemsBoosts.Value = Profile.Data.Boosts.GemsBoosts
local GemsBoostTime = Instance.new("NumberValue")
GemsBoostTime.Name = "Time"
GemsBoostTime.Value = Profile.Data.Boosts.GemsBoostsTime
local Items = Instance.new("Folder", player)
Items.Name = "Items"
local FishingWire = Instance.new("NumberValue", Items)
FishingWire.Name = "FishingWire"
FishingWire.Value = Profile.Items.FishingWire
local Trails = Instance.new("Folder", Items)
Trails.Name = "Trails"
local RedTrail = Instance.new("NumberValue", Trails)
RedTrail.Name = "Red"
RedTrail.Value = Profile.Items.Trails.RedTrail
local OrangeTrail = Instance.new("NumberValue", Trails)
OrangeTrail.Name = "Orange"
OrangeTrail.Value = Profile.Items.Trails.OrangeTrail
local YellowTrail = Instance.new("NumberValue", Trails)
YellowTrail.Name = "Yellow"
YellowTrail.Value = Profile.Items.Trails.YellowTrail
local LimeTrail = Instance.new("NumberValue", Trails)
LimeTrail.Name = "Lime"
LimeTrail.Value = Profile.Items.Trails.LimeTrail
local GreenTrail = Instance.new("NumberValue", Trails)
GreenTrail.Name = "Green"
GreenTrail.Value = Profile.Items.Trails.GreenTrail
local CyanTrail = Instance.new("NumberValue", Trails)
CyanTrail.Name = "Cyan"
CyanTrail.Value = Profile.Items.Trails.CyanTrail
local BlueTrail = Instance.new("NumberValue", Trails)
BlueTrail.Name = "Blue"
BlueTrail.Value = Profile.Items.Trails.BlueTrail
local PurpleTrail = Instance.new("NumberValue", Trails)
PurpleTrail.Name = "Purple"
PurpleTrail.Value = Profile.Items.Trails.PurpleTrail
local PinkTrail = Instance.new("NumberValue", Trails)
PinkTrail.Name = "Pink"
PinkTrail.Value = Profile.Items.Trails.PinkTrail
local BlueFadeTrail = Instance.new("NumberValue", Trails)
BlueFadeTrail.Name = "BlueFade"
BlueFadeTrail.Value = Profile.Items.Trails.BlueFade
local Updates = Instance.new("Folder", player)
Updates.Name = "Updates"
local Tutorial = Instance.new("BoolValue", Updates)
Tutorial.Name = "Tutorial"
Tutorial.Value = Profile.Updates.Tutorial
local BETA = Instance.new("BoolValue", Updates)
BETA.Name = "BETA"
BETA.Value = Profile.Updates.BETA
local Codes = Instance.new("Folder", player)
Codes.Name = "Codes"
local Code1 = Instance.new("BoolValue", Codes)
Code1.Name = "Code1"
Code1.Value = Profile.Codes.Code1
local Code2 = Instance.new("BoolValue", Codes)
Code2.Name = "Code2"
Code2.Value = Profile.Codes.Code2
local Code3 = Instance.new("BoolValue", Codes)
Code3.Name = "Code3"
Code3.Value = Profile.Codes.Code3
local function PlayerAdded(player: Player)
local Profile = ProfileStore:LoadProfileAsync("Player_"..player.UserId)
if Profile == nil then
player:Kick("Player data issue, please try again. If this issue persists, please contact a member of staff.")
Manager.Profiles[player] = nil
player:Kick("Player data issue, please try again. If this issue persists, please contact a member of staff.")
if player:IsDescendantOf(Players) == true then
Manager.Profiles[player] = Profile
for _, player in Players:GetPlayers() do
task.spawn(PlayerAdded, player)
Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(player: Player)
local Profile = Manager.Profiles[player]
if not Profile then return end
I’m kind of an amateur scripter and only used a tutorial therefore I don’t understand how to fix the issue. If someone could please explain it or give an example I would really appreciate it!