Programmer needed! 100,000R$

Hey, I’m looking for a programmer who has somewhat advanced skills, minimum of 2 years experience at programming Roblox Lua and is able to get work done in a fast but reasonable timescale. This programmer must be able to finish the tasks remaining for release soon and once the game has released the programmer will be paid. This programmer must be willing to work on the final features for an upcoming game I’m producing. Sadly my programmer left for personal reasons and was unable to finish the game for release.

All tasks I’m looking for are provided in a detailed ‘HacknPlan’ board (which is similar to Trello) and simply requires an account registration and then for me to add you to the board.

I’m paying 100,000R$ as a one-time payout as a group payout to program the games last few features and I need to get these last few features added for this game to release.

(EXAMPLE: not the actual remaining tasks)


Those who are unfamiliar with HacknPlan it’s interface looks like this:

I have broken down each task and explained exactly what I require for each one.

Main tasks remaining:

  • Gamepass tools + make game passes work
  • Badges (e.g. level 10, 20 so on). Roughly 8 badges.
  • Bug fixes (our testers have made a channel listing every bug found and what issues)
  • 2 other functions which will be discussed privately (I don’t want to leak features for the game).

Extra Information:
Discord - HeadlessHorror#0001 or our discord
ROBLOX - Headless - Roblox
Twitter -

If you’re interested in working with me please provide a portfolio of previous work and a reason why you would like to work with me as I’m looking for someone with a passion for game development additionally to their programming skills. If you have any further questions feel free to ask them either below or directly to me.


I feel like you have to post job offers every other month because of this.

Yeah it sucks, I have bad luck with programmers, I do my best though to get through it.

Found someone, thank you for your portfolios.

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