[This portfolio of mine is completely outdated]
Hello. I’ve been scripting for around 3 years now.
I have experience with Lua, HTML, Python and a bit of JavaScript.
I will be able to make most of the features that I will be requested to make.
Available for 1-2 hours of work per day on commissions.
FPS Mechanics
Normal FPS system:
FPS System for Portfolio
FPS system using ViewportFrames:
Viewport FPS System for Portfolio
Scope with Sway effect and Motion Blur:
Scope with Sway and Motion Blur for Portfolio
Space mechanics
Solar System remade on Roblox with Orbiting and more (Free Camera also made by Me):
Solar System for Portfolio
Working for a Simulator game:
Project for Portfolio
A custom shift lock Module that I have created & shared:
Hey! I have noticed that many programmers have been wishing for a way to apply shift lock easily.
So, I have created a simple Custom Shift Lock Module. The module’s API is straightforward and simple, here is an example of how you would use it:
local shiftLock = (require(script.Parent:WaitForChild("ShiftLock")))
local userInputService = (game:GetService("UserInputService"));
function input_Began(input, gpe)
if (gpe) then return end;
if (input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift) then
A plugin that I have created:
Short introduction:
Scaler Plugin is a plugin that allows you scale your User Interfaces automatically, and also round them scaled. I know that there are some other plugins that serve the same purpose as this, at first, I did not really look to make this for any purpose except practicing purposes, but after it’s done, I decided that I would share this with other users.
Although I have debugged the plugin multiple ti…
Note: I have much more that I have made, including a game that I was hired to script.
I accept Group Funds / Gift Crads / Gamepass Purchase as a payment method.
I do not accept PayPal.
You can contact me on discord: InfantryLegend#9728
Thanks for spending your time reading!
Can’t find you on discord, are you sure you’ve provided the correct username?
Hello. I got a request from someone named ‘Humanball’, is that you?
I would be interested in hiring you do you have Twitter?
1 Like
Hello. Sadly, I don’t have a twitter account.
But I do have a discord account, do you have one?
If so, send me a request: SomeoneRandom#9728
Well you answered late so i cant hire you sorry.
No problem, it’s absolutely okay!
October 24, 2020, 10:03pm
Great Developer to work with. He currently works as a scripter, ui designer, and even an animator for a game I’m working on with a couple of other individuals. Amazing work from him. Definitely a vouch from me
Hey everybody! I am currently open for commisons, feel free to send me a message on discord SomeoneRandom#5917
1 Like
An odd question, but, how do you create those collapsible bullet points on your portfolio?
I am not quite sure if I understood your question. Are you referring to the weapon I created?
Hello! I am still open for commissions, message me on discord if you’d like
The Scripting so good for alot of simulators
1 Like
Guys! I am still open for commissions! Message me on discord Complex#9728
Still doing commission! Message me on discord SomeoneRandom#9728
Still open for commissions! Message me on discord SomeoneRandom#9728
(Also updated my portfolio)
December 17, 2020, 4:52am
This is a bit misleading because this appears to be a webhook, not a bot. Although I might be wrong.
Yes, this is a webhook, thank you for mentioning. Will be changed in a moment
1 Like
Still open for commissions! Add me on discord SomeoneRandom#9728 (Sorry, can not be hired as a long term scripter)
Hey! Commissions are temporarily close. Will notify when they are back open again.
Wish you a great day!