Short introduction:
Scaler Plugin is a plugin that allows you scale your User Interfaces automatically, and also round them scaled. I know that there are some other plugins that serve the same purpose as this, at first, I did not really look to make this for any purpose except practicing purposes, but after it’s done, I decided that I would share this with other users.
Although I have debugged the plugin multiple times, there may be some issues that I have missed.
Make sure to report issues to me so I can fix them!
Feel free to give me any recommendations for improvements!
Hello. I tried to install your plugin, but it is not available for sale.
Oh, whoops! 
There, it should be now fixed.
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Quick note: Fixed a lag with size conversion that I didn’t notice before, it should now work just fine.
Next update: Scaled UICorner adding option! 
Update log version 1.1:
- New Scaled UICorner adding option!
- Scaling resizing issue solved!
- Icons issue solved!
Previewing video of the plugin (until current update):
Edit: Just noticed a bug in the viewing of the selected gui objects, it is fixed by now!