Put the ImageLabel you want to use inside of a Frame
Enable ClipDescendants on the Frame and make it transparent
set the size of the ImageLabel to the Frames size in offset
change the size of the Frame to clip the ImageLabel
tip (if you want a background place the Frame inside of a new ImageLabel with the same Image as the original ImageLabel and set the color to black/grey etc) IconClip.rbxm (2.8 KB)
(Scale with code)
if you want the image to scale then make the Frame’s size scale and whenever the absolute size of the Frame is changed update the size of the ImageLabel to the Frame’s absolute size
btw I figured out this method by watching one of crazyman32’s videos
Here’s another way it can be done. I’m not sure how the ClipDescendants method works with scaling, but this method will work fine with scale.
Have a top layer image which is transparent (the shape is transparent, background is filled in). Then they tween a simple frame underneath that and it looks like it’s filling in the transparent part of the top image.