Progress on a gun (ar15) [feedback] *Update*

my progress so far on an ar15

as shown in the video below I’ve made the barrel, the front part of the barrel thing (don’t know what’s it called) and the front sight thingy (don’t know what that’s called either)

Update: I’ve also made the circle thing with holes that goes around the barrel (I need to learn what these parts are called)

the image behind the gun is the reference I’m using

the reference for the part that I’m making:


I know that its not much progress but feedback would be much appreciated :+1:


Pretty decent for Roblox unions, keep it going!


Aren’t unions superrr laggy and really inefficient? The model looks good considering it’s made with Roblox unions, however you should just model the gun in any 3d software, will save you a lot of time.

And, this is just a personal opinion of mine but I think building including modeling with unions overall is getting replaced with modeling, so modeling would be a nice skill to have, even outside Roblox.

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