Progress on my Horror Level

Hey everyone! This past year I’ve been developing a round-based game and I’m about to finish my first level. I’m pretty proud of the design and I’m very excited to begin testing with players soon.

This level is called the Midnight Bunker. It’s a doomsday bunker constructed within the mountains and consists of a complex layout of large areas, creepy hallways, and secret passages. In all, there is a utility room which is the powerhouse of the bunker; the living quarters, where any who would have dwelled there would reside; the food storage, self-explanatory; and the sewers - the bottommost depths of the level. I think the tranquil nature of the lake (unpictured) with the moon above ground contrasts nicely against the gritty, industrial structure underneath.

My main focus was to invoke suspense and tension with the atmosphere and level design. Lots of corners and tons of places to hide, with only a flashlight and insufficient lighting within the bunker to guide you.

Please let me know what you think! I’m open to any suggestions or criticisms. Thanks for reading! :grinning:


Could add spider webs and more dust to make it realistic

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Thanks for the advice, I’ll definitely do that!