Project Bank III 2021 | 3 Day Project | Half-Way Finished |


SO every year I always test my Building Skills into making Something Big
or Something Different and Unique. the Building I chose to build every year was a Bank.
every Year I failed at making a Bank and Gave Up. and now I had so much Motivation, I finally did it. I made a Modernized Bank, Inspired by Jailbreak’s Bank. 1 note not all screenshots could load unfortunately roblox couldn’t save or load them

Extras (Please Read )

Ok so im still new to Formatting so I’m not doing a Poll or anything.
Please Rate 1 - 10 if you can, if not then its ok, I still accept Criticism, Reviews, Suggestions, etc. Suggestions would also help a lot to. this is also a Project not a Game Im working on, or in other words, im not working on the project after im done.


Bank’s Outside

Bank’s Vault Hallway/Rooms


it annoys me that the K looks lowercase but everything else looks uppercase

other than that its great!

Same the lower case k annoys me too but everything is just WOW

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Sorry about the lower case K I used Three3DText Plugin thats the best it could give me