Project: Railrunner ~ Changelog

Project: Railrunner ~ Changelog

Version 0.6.0 (19-02-2023)


  • Add Class 193 NS livery.
  • Add new Protos model.
  • Redo train driving system.
  • Increase streaming radius and use better streaming mode to reduce streaming pauses.

Bug fixes

  • Replace all broken sounds.
  • Fix Earbuds game pass initial song list fetching.
Version 0.5.1 (10-06-2022)

Bug fixes

  • Revert outside view fix from version 0.5.0
Version 0.5.0 (10-06-2022)


  • Add Protos.
  • Enable new opportunistic stream out behavior.
  • Move DD-AR (new), ICE 3M (new), mDDM (new), Class 1600 (DBC), Class 1600 Almere, Class 1800 Leiden, Class 1600 Coal (DBC), Class 1700, 2x SGM, 2x SGMm, GTW 2/6 (Aarvir NN 2021), GTW 2/8 (Aarvir NN 2021), Class 1600 (RXP 9901) and Class 1600 (RXP 9902) out of TT.
  • Remove snowy landscape.
  • Rewrite ConductorGUI and OutsideViewGUI in Roact.
  • Allow conductors to sit in HR train cabs.
  • Converted project to be fully managed by Rojo.

Bug fixes

  • Fix First Class developer product purchases not being handled.
  • Fix Driver GUI Route Frame not having a hover area.
  • Fix DDZ door not opening.
  • Fix trains with max speed below 40 spawning with set speed 40.
  • Fix GTW 2/6 (Aarvir NN 2021) door being misplaced on spawn.
  • Fix camera resetting back to outside view while leaving FreeCam.
  • Fix bug with promoting participants in Training Servers.
  • Fix jump lock tresholds.
  • Move Abcoude sign out of catenary.
Version 0.4.2 (30-11-2021)


  • Add Aarvir GTW 2/6 & 2/8 NN 2021 to Train Tester
  • Show current server version in loading screen

Bug fixes

  • Fix Polar Express locomotive tipping after disabling Stop Brake
Version 0.4.1 (27-11-2021)

Bug fixes

  • Fix DD-AR’s buffers being welded to the wrong carriage
  • Fix promote button in Finish Training menu
  • Fix DBC Class 1600 Coals’ amount of carriages in Trains Menu
  • Uncancollide signals near Utrecht and Amsterdam
  • Place missing stop markers on both platform ends at Maarssen
  • Place sensor at switch coming from Cartesiusweg further back to prevent derailments
Version 0.4.0 (27-11-2021)


  • Snowy landscape
  • Add stop markers
  • Enable Spatial Voice
  • Extend ICE 3M, mDDM & DD-AR
  • Add BSI couplers to mDDM & DD-AR
  • Add Class 1200 Plan E, Class 1600 Almere, Class 1600 (DBC), Class 1600 Coal (DBC), Class 1700, Class 1800 Leiden, 2x SGM and 2x SGMm
  • Move 2x VIRM-4, Big Boy Cargo and tested GTWs out of TT
  • Update last few speed signs around Amsterdam Centraal

Bug fixes

  • Rotate Utrecht Zuilen station 180 degrees
  • Disallow drivers using the conductor panel when they have a conductor
  • Uncancollide all signals to prevent collisions
  • Show max speed instead of 40 on spawn when it’s lower than 40
  • Fix SGM’s right doors being inverted
  • Fix walkthroughable characters not always working
  • Fix Finish Training menu not always showing all participants
  • Fix accidental double promoting in Finish Training menu
  • Always show backpack when jumping out of driver seat
Version 0.3.0 (25-09-2021)


  • Request to be a train’s conductor feature
  • Passengers, Drivers & Conductors teams
  • Automatically wear regarding team’s uniform
  • Trains Menu Train Packs
  • Ability to preorder trains in the Trains Menu
  • Always show TT category in Trains Menu and make it buyable
  • Abbreviate Head of Conductors as HoCD in the leaderboard
  • Sort training participants by name in the End Training menu
  • Disallow getting seated in unmanned train’s driver seats when already driving/conducting a train
  • Enabled Spatial Voice Beta
  • Made VIRMs fully paintable
  • Made SGMs fully paintable
  • Show display name in chat if applicable
  • Use new hovering cursor
  • Use game pass IDs instead of asset IDs

Bug fixes

  • Moved switch in front of Asd P2 further back to reduce derailments
  • Reject train spawn request if max amount of Collision Groups is reached
  • Changed “Only TDs can join this training” to mention QDs instead of TDs
  • Fixed Trains Menu scrolling breaking at random times
  • Fixed training hosts not being able to rejoin their own training servers
  • Fixed training host GUI not always showing up
  • Fixed training participant promoting via the GUI
  • Fixed Polar Express glitching on spawn
  • Fixed Driver GUI not disabling when jumping out driver seat too quickly
  • Remove double window in one of Class 193’s driver doors
  • Attempt to reduce getting stuck in trains’ roofs when jumping out of driver seats
  • Stop Brake anchors train again (should fix glitching doors and train assemblies falling asleep)
Version 0.2.2 (12-09-2021)


  • Hide Driver GUI pin button on touch devices

Bug fixes

  • Fixed opening/joining of training servers
  • Fixed bans fetch interval
  • Fixed trainings fetch interval
  • Fixed SGMm’s right doors being inverted
  • Fixed R6 characters getting stuck in the ground on teleporting
  • Fixed teleport transition GUI message not changing
Version 0.2.1 (11-09-2021)


  • Sort trainings in Trainings Menu by date
  • Sort trains in Train Management GUI by name
  • Removed cancel button from Trains Menu

Bug fixes

  • Teleport back to seat quicker when getting stuck
  • Fixed Trainings Menu not showing any trainings
  • Fixed partially missing ties near Amsterdam Bijlmer ArenA
  • Fixed OV-chipkaart tool sometimes not showing data
  • Fixed being able to click the Trains Menu spawn button while not chosen a train/yard yet
  • Fixed logo being slightly offset on game thumbnail
  • Fixed train delete breaking when conductor has left the server
  • Correctly handle active conductors leaving server
  • Check if train still exists after conductor key rotated
Version 0.2.0 (10-09-2021)


  • Rebranded game to “Project: Railrunner”
  • Remade Utrecht Centraal and the Cartesiusweg and Landstraat yards
  • Added catenary
  • Added train sounds
  • Added new trains: DD-AR, GTW 2/8, GTW 2/6, 2x GTW 2/6 2x VIRM-4, Class 1600 (RXP 9901), Class 1600 (RXP 9902) & Crocodile Ce 6/8
  • Moved ICD, Class 6400, Class 6400 Coal & VIRM-4 out of TT
  • Added new Electronic Whistle for Conductors
  • Redone Whistle (with animation) & Conductor Key
  • Added touch controls (still in experiment)
  • Everyone can spawn and drive trains
  • Implemented base train pack for non group members
  • Changed seats system to use proximity prompts
  • Enabled content streaming to improve performance
  • Made switches less rough
  • Added a setting for toggling earbuds on character
  • Added clouds and atmosphere
  • Changed day/night cycle to 7.5 minutes day and 2.5 minutes night
  • Updated in-game analog and digital clocks to follow the day/night cycle
  • Removed CET clock from menu
  • Placed/replaced speed signs to resemble the real life situation
  • Show speed limits and changes in the Driver GUI
  • Allow train drivers to use the outside view system
  • Implemented keybind left shift to run
  • Increased running speed to 50
  • Disabled train collisions
  • Implemented derail and speeding detection
  • Improved train stability
  • Improved train connector stability
  • Improved tracks around Abcoude tunnel and Breukelen flyover
  • Made Amsterdam Bijlmer ArenA 330 proof
  • Check if yard track is long enough before spawning train
  • Added superelevated curves near Amsterdam Centraal
  • Changed set speed keybinds to additions of ±5
  • Changed keybind C to change cab
  • Changed Progress Route keybind to N
  • Default start set speed and speed limit to 40
  • Disallow non “Train Crew” to get seated in driver seats (will include Conductors in the future)
  • Delete trains after 60 seconds with no driver
  • Reimplemented anti trackwalking system for players with rank Guest or Train Driver
  • Players with no Personal OV-chipkaart get a NS Dagkaart
  • Moved switch handling to client
  • Made platform and switch sensors directional
  • Made TGV Reseau paintable
  • Allow teleporting while character is seated
  • Disallow spawning new trains while already driving a train
  • Applying the Stop Brake doesn’t anchor the train anymore
  • Point camera at stations on spawning/teleporting
  • Included the route frame in the Driver GUI pinning functionality
  • Disable Driver GUI when you leave the driver seat
  • Added new loading screen
  • Replaced the map with a teleport menu
  • Show times in Trainings Menu in local timezone
  • Replaced Staff Menu with Trains Menu
  • Improved train pictures and thumbnail in Trains Menu
  • Finished Train Management GUI
  • Moved Panzerzug to HR category
  • Removed Union Pacific category from Trains Menu
  • Removed Royal Train
  • Removed Class 3700 Plan E
  • Removed Class 1300

Bug fixes

  • Disallow claiming trains you don’t own
  • Disallow the closing of train doors where a Conductor is active
  • Fixed Train Management GUI sometimes not showing a train’s driver
  • Fixed Trains Menu loading trains of previously selected categories
  • Fixed analog clocks
  • Fixed drivers getting stuck in cab roofs while jumping out of driver seats
  • Fixed The General rods
  • Fixed outside view system
  • Fixed SGM & SGMm doors
  • Fixed CityPendel cab doors
  • Fixed unpaintable parts on top of ICE 3M cabs
  • Fixed cross switch near Amsterdam Holendrecht
  • Handle errors from NSadmin API calls