Project: Railway | Update 10.2.25 Changelog

:wave: Hey, everyone! Today, the team and I are presenting a long-awaited update for Project: Railway! There may not be much additions, but there are a lot of improvements!

:hammer_and_wrench: This update has been in the works for almost a month, and we are now bringing it to you! Without further adieu, here’s what new! (Wowie, that rhymed)


  • Erm… unfortunately not anything. Keep reading!


  • Renovated Rosebury Park
  • Capacity improvements at Lime Street Siding
  • …you guessed it: Scenery updates at Lime Street
  • Added stop markers at all stations across the map
  • Added some fences at Parley Green

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed CIS screens at Rosebury Park showing incorrect platform
  • Fixed some lighting issues (more might appear though)
  • Some other bugs got fixed, but I kinda forgor what they are…

:sleeping: Anyways, this update was tiring to make. Having to rebuild vital parts of Rosebury Park was a pain, but it all worked out in the end!

:open_book: Thanks for reading this update log to the end, you should go check out the game ! These updates are available to play right now!

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