Project: Run... [Feedback]

Hello, I am Xttemp!

I have recently been exploring my developing skills and been working on random projects. The game I’ve been recently working on is called “Run…” in which players will spawn in a room after being kidnapped by “Miss Cookie” the name might sound innocent, but she is not innocent as she might seem. Players will soon realize the basement they are in is a lot bigger than they thought. Players will gather tools/materials to escape. When “Miss Cookie” is near, a rush of dramatic noise will soon be heard. Players attempting to escape will trigger “Miss Cookie” and will have her rush to the player. Players will be given a tool they have to find to knock out “Miss Cookie” for a few seconds. The knockout tool will spawn at random locations after each game. Players will be put in first person to make the game a little more challenging. There will be 3 levels, easy, medium, and hard.

Those are the plans for the game, but I am not 100% sure I will go through with these plans. I’m looking for feedback/ideas.

Thank you :innocent:

Game Preview


The idea sounds good. It sounds like the general genre of horror puzzle games like granny, piggy, hello neighbor, etc. With this kind of game, the enemy AI needs to be good. Roblox has a pathfinding system and stuff along those lines. Anyways, I think the game design behind this idea needs to be thought out heavily:

  • Players need to see what items other players have in their hands.
  • Knocking out Miss Cookie would need to be balanced. Too short of a time and it’s not effective, too long and it’s too powerful. The tool itself should be somewhat of a challenge, but not crazy hard imo.
  • Miss Cookie should be dynamic, not just walk right behind the player. Since I presume she is an old lady, maybe you could make her stop for a while to catch her breath. If players are given the option to be Miss Cookie, then a stamina meter would do good. This would also need balancing however. You don’t want players running in a cycle for 5 mins. Especially in solo. (looking at piggy, lol)
  • Speaking of solo, you might want to scale the difficulty of the game based on the amount of players. You could make that an option in, hopefully free, private servers. Customization is always nice, but you can’t have too many voting things in public servers. That would be annoying.
  • Puzzles if any should be quite simple. I’m assuming there’s a time limit, teamwork involved, and you’ve got a bot chasing you. (use multiplayer forced things sparingly and the scaling of things of players)
  • The level design. You don’t want a big box, but you also don’t want a maze. Neither is good. Simple is usually better than complex imo.
  • Don’t make it pay to win. Make buyable things cosmetic only, please. And, don’t pull a bedwars and have 200+ different things to keep track off, lol.

Also, the screenshots themselves are quite dark. It makes sense due to the genre, but I’d make the lights brighter. The game looks alright, not much going on, but it is a concept/idea. The blocky look isn’t my ‘cup of tea’, but yeah it looks good.

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I appreciate the feedback and will definitely be using this. The blocky “Miss Cookie” is just a concept of how I would want the character to look like. Thank you for the feedback/ideas this really does help a lot. :innocent:

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