Project Vega - Single Player

An amazing single player game created by memi and her team. It’s really outstanding, considering roblox has very few single player games. I really recommend checking it out. Don’t want to say anything more, or else I’ll ruin it.

Post your thoughts after you’ve played the game! :smiley:

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Didn’t play all of it, I figured it was a decent time to quit when lana’s illumina broke while I was swinging it, getting me stuck with a bodyvelocity pulling me back towards the ship.

I’m very impressed with the whole game. At first it looked like a simple stamper game, but once you get into the town you can see it clearly has a lot of work put into it. I’m especially impressed with the sword fighting AI, it feels like I’m actually fighting an unskilled player. The variety and size of the maps is also great, perfect distances between points of interest.

The only thing I can complain about is the dialog. It was very click-through-able. I didn’t particularly care for any of the characters, they were all a bit too cookie cutter for me.

The gameplay is really cool too. Classic swordfighting would have been decent on its own, but then you can bring a companion that will give you a special skill. And the maps aren’t perfectly linear, but still linear enough that you know where you’re going. Awesome.

The quest log was genius. I would’ve left a lot earlier if I didn’t have the option of skipping through the dialog and then still being aware of my objective.

Overall 8/10, if it had a few quality and dialog improvements it would be single player GOTY.

It’s a nice little adventure that doesn’t try to be anything more than it is and just has a nice style overall. I think there are some very original ideas in there, and they get bonus points for the custom soundtrack. I think there was a bit too much text in some cut-scenes and the characters also didn’t stand out very well, but I liked the idea of representing them with spheres instead of actual characters with distinct colours.

The maps look fine compared to the rest of the game play elements and they used free models well in my opinion. Finally like Sharksie said, the sword fighting AI is really nice. The game gave me this sort of nostalgic feeling of playing a 2009-2011 typical ROBLOX game, it’s not too serious or high quality but it’s just fun to play around in and explore, well done to everyone involved.

edit: @MunimR yes, review based on the fact that it was made by an inexperienced and young creator :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t know how those two enjoyed that game lol. I’ll give it a Thumbs up and a 7/10 considering a kid and some friends made it (Honestly the game was a 3/10 with me being gracious).

Gameplay - Walking, clicking through dialogue, clicking sprint, clicking god mode

Music/Sound - Annnnnnnnnnnnnoying that is about it, the music choice was alright but was horrible due to the looping sounds of swords and teleportation (If you chose “Lana” as your sidekick),

NPCs - WTF 90% of the important characters are orbs that just float around, while enemies all had the same generic look based off their role.

Fighting - borrrrrrrrrrrrring at first I tried to enjoy the sword fighting, but quickly got bored since I’d just walk around and swing my sword…

Map/Buildings - Probably the best part , very well built I honestly I agree with @buildthomas awesome use of free models.

Story - Terrible didn’t even bother reading all of it, only part that gives the story a +1 is the fact that the choices you make effects your ending.

Overall neat concept considering a kid made this (which is why roblox is so awesome, giving kids the chance to express their talents and ideas!!), but otherwise gameplay is terrible wouldn’t recommend to a friend!

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Finally! Against all odds on ROBLOX, amidst all this endless sea of stupid obstacle courses, generic tycoons and other mindless places I’m sick of, a beacon, a brilliant attempt to do something new! God, how I miss this! I have to say I haven’t played the whole game because I don’t have time right now, but from what I’ve played: the soundtrack is amazing, the town is great, and, as buildthomas stated, there’s a lot of original ideas here. I can clearly see effort went into this game. There are a few areas, however, which could use improvement, such as story and fighting, but considering the experience of who made it, I find it forgivable.
While it’s not very fun as a game as it is, I’m anxious too see what these people will bring to life when they get more skilled. I wish them the best of luck on their future endeavors :slightly_smiling:


This game is expected to have a version two. Hopefully it will be improved drastically.