Projectile Script not functioning?

while task.wait(0.001) do
	local debris = game:GetService('Debris')
	local debounce = false
	if script.Parent.Triggered.Value == true and debounce == false then
	local high = 0
	local low = 999999999999
	local enemy = script.Sort
	local enemies = workspace.Enemies
	local waitTime = 0.01 -- time to wait, in seconds

	-- create a new task

	for i, v in pairs(enemies:GetChildren()) do
		local distance = (v.Torso.Position - script.Parent.Position).Magnitude
		if distance < 99 and debounce == false and script.Parent.Triggered == true then
		    v.Zombie.Health =- 30
			--script.Parent.ExplosionEffect.Enabled = true
			script.Parent.Transparency = 1
--			script.Parent.Explosion.Visible = true
			script.Parent.EXP_Triggered.Value = true
			script.Parent.Triggered.Value = false
			print('Dealt 30 DMG to ', v.Zombie.Name)	
			debounce = true	
		--script.Parent.ExplosionEffect.Enabled = true
		script.Disabled = true	




this is a projectile script in my TD (tower defense) game, and somehow its not even printing ‘‘Dealt 30 Damage to target’’ it only prints

is there anything wrong with my script?

(also my tower script activates the triggered value to be true, so don’t say ‘‘you forgot to activate the triggered value’’)

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I suggest to print the distance, because that is the reason why it is failing, so it would be something like:

distance = ...

yeah its under 99 magntidual distance it prints, but whats stopping it to deal damage to the zombies?

Did you forget the .Value After Triggered?

It works now, but the problem is, it keeps one hitting zombies and just does it singly.

That’s cause you’re looping way too often which is resulting in the code firing like, 1/1,000th’s of a second which doesn’t even work to begin with as task.wait()'s yielding duration is the equivalent of RunService’s Heartbeat (Or 1/40th’s of a second max)

You’re also setting your debounce variable to true the moment it loops once, and then it doesn’t switch back to false once the loop finishes to begin again which prevents your pairs function from running where you should just honestly not have it to begin with, and replace your while task.wait() do loop with a while true do loop instead, and call task.wait(waitTime) from there

Now I have no idea on how you have this set up, but I configured your code a tad bit so that you can hopefully get a bit more understanding on how the code is supposed to work from what I see:

local debris = game:GetService('Debris')
local enemies = workspace:WaitForChild("Enemies")
local enemy = script.Sort

local high = 0
local low = 999999999999
local waitTime = 0.25 -- time to wait, in seconds

while true do

	if script.Parent.Triggered.Value == true then
		-- create a new task
		for i, v in pairs(enemies:GetChildren()) do
			local distance = (v.Torso.Position - script.Parent.Position).Magnitude

			if distance < 99 and script.Parent.Triggered.Value == true then
				v.Zombie.Health =- 30
				--script.Parent.ExplosionEffect.Enabled = true
				script.Parent.Transparency = 1
				--			script.Parent.Explosion.Visible = true
				script.Parent.EXP_Triggered.Value = true
				--script.Parent.Triggered.Value = false
				print('Dealt 30 DMG to', v.Zombie.Name)	
			--script.Parent.ExplosionEffect.Enabled = true
			--script.Disabled = true	
		warn("Script is currently not enabled!")
  • 1: We define our variables at the start so that we don’t have to keep re-defining them per loop

  • 2: The while true do loop begins

  • 3: It checks if script.Parent.Triggered.Value is equal to true to begin the distance loop, if it doesn’t then it returns back with a warn in our console output

  • 4: We check the distance if it’s properly valid & script.Parent.Triggered.Value again, and damage our selected Enemy if the conditions are met

  • 5: Call task.wait(waitTime) before the loop ends at a reasonable rate

will this so it deals only 30 damage to the enemies in range? so it doesn’t loop the damage making it infinite to the single target?

UPDATE: nope, it still attacks a single target and one hits it.

What i meant was, i want to so if projectile detects one target, then it will scatter a single damage around its magnitude.

Might be why as well, didn’t know how I didn’t come across that

Comment that line out and check if it works

yeah but is it a way so it just deals damage just singly? so instead OF looping damage to the target, it just filters it after a single hit, INSTEAD of looping the damage.

You could just encase it into a function, so that when you can call it whenever it’s necessary

I also noticed that you have a BoolValue within your code, and I’d personally recommend using the .Changed Event of that object so that way you don’t have to keep frequently looping, and it can detect when it should activate at the proper time when you want it to

The parameter of .Changed for Value Objects is always the updated Value, so you don’t have to worry about calling BoolValue.Value every so often:

local debris = game:GetService('Debris')
local enemies = workspace:WaitForChild("Enemies")
local enemy = script.Sort
local Triggered = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Triggered")

local high = 0
local low = 999999999999
local waitTime = 0.25 -- time to wait, in seconds

local function DealDamage()
	for i, v in pairs(enemies:GetChildren()) do
		local distance = (v.Torso.Position - script.Parent.Position).Magnitude

		if distance < 99 and script.Parent.Triggered.Value == true then
			v.Zombie.Health -= 30
			--script.Parent.ExplosionEffect.Enabled = true
			script.Parent.Transparency = 1
			--			script.Parent.Explosion.Visible = true
			script.Parent.EXP_Triggered.Value = true
			--script.Parent.Triggered.Value = false
			print('Dealt 30 DMG to', v.Zombie.Name)	
		--script.Parent.ExplosionEffect.Enabled = true
		--script.Disabled = true	

local function CheckActivation(NewVal)
	if NewVal == true then



We’ve connected our Triggered object to a Changed Event, which will check if it’s equal to true or not and if it is then we can call CallDamage() which damages enemies within the radius you provided it with

Can you not make it, with like table? so if table already has the zombie, it will just ignore the damage.

You should’ve provide that information at the beginning so that I would’ve understood your case more clearer, cause we’re just slowly working towards every piece of information you’re trying to give me here

You can just create a table of AlreadyTagged Enemies, so that when the loop goes through everything you can use table.find to check if that Enemy has already been hit, and it’ll return back either the index it was found at, or nil and if it is not stored in the table, we can use table.insert to insert that chosen object in the table:

local AlreadyTagged = {}

local TagCheck = table.find(AlreadyTagged, ObjectToTagHere)

if TagCheck == nil then
    table.insert(TagCheck, ObjectToTagHere)
    print("Target has been tagged already")

Keep in mind I’m giving out an example here, if you want it within your DealDamage function you’ll have to reference the TagCheck near your distance variable, and do the proper effects when the conditions are met once TagCheck is equal to nil to be able to insert that specific enemy within the table

so… this will work?

Try it out for yourself :man_shrugging: You never know unless you experience the results


while task.wait(0.001) do
	local debris = game:GetService('Debris')
	local debounce = false
	if script.Parent.Triggered.Value == true and debounce == false then

		local high = 0
		local low = 999999999999
		local enemy = script.Sort
		local enemies = workspace.Enemies
		local waitTime = 0.01 -- time to wait, in seconds

		-- create a new task

		for i, v in pairs(enemies:GetChildren()) do
			local distance = (v.Torso.Position - script.Parent.Position).Magnitude
			local AlreadyTagged = {}

			local TagCheck = table.find(AlreadyTagged, v)

			if distance < 99 and debounce == false and script.Parent.Triggered.Value == true and TagCheck == nil then
				v.Zombie.Health =- 30
				table.insert(TagCheck, v)
				--script.Parent.ExplosionEffect.Enabled = true
				script.Parent.Transparency = 1
				--			script.Parent.Explosion.Visible = true
				script.Parent.EXP_Triggered.Value = true
				script.Parent.Triggered.Value = false
				print('Dealt 30 DMG to ', v.Zombie.Name)	
				debounce = true	
			elseif TagCheck ~= nil then
				warn('already tagged')
			--script.Parent.ExplosionEffect.Enabled = true
			script.Disabled = true	




Why are you using that Script? It’s pretty clear that the script you’re currently using does not work all that well

You should be using the script that I provided you, as it efficiently checks when to properly call the functions needed to damage the enemies, although I will say to forget about what I just said earlier on having the table inside the DealDamage function, and to put it outside on step 1:

local debris = game:GetService('Debris')
local enemies = workspace:WaitForChild("Enemies")
local enemy = script.Sort
local Triggered = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Triggered")
local AlreadyTagged = {}

local high = 0
local low = 999999999999
local waitTime = 0.25 -- time to wait, in seconds

local function DealDamage()
	for i, v in pairs(enemies:GetChildren()) do
		local distance = (v.Torso.Position - script.Parent.Position).Magnitude
        local TagCheck = table.find(AlreadyTagged, v)

		if distance < 99 and script.Parent.Triggered.Value == true and TagCheck == nil then
            table.insert(AlreadyTagged, v)

			v.Zombie.Health -= 30
			--script.Parent.ExplosionEffect.Enabled = true
			script.Parent.Transparency = 1
			--			script.Parent.Explosion.Visible = true
			script.Parent.EXP_Triggered.Value = true
			--script.Parent.Triggered.Value = false
			print('Dealt 30 DMG to', v.Zombie.Name)	
		--script.Parent.ExplosionEffect.Enabled = true
		--script.Disabled = true	

local function CheckActivation(NewVal)
	if NewVal == true then



You should replace =- with -=, I don’t think =- exists.
Any other errors?

it seems to work!
