Projects for begginers

So i am learning scripting and i want to make project while learning so ill learn better
i watched the basics a while ago and i wanna make some projects that will help me to grasp important parts of scripting but since im a begginer i dont know the key points so i can practice them… what are some key points of scripting and some important stuff to learn/master or what are some project you guys will recommend to get better?(it doesnt have to be an full game-project it can e an system,mechanic,an part of an game etc…)


Hm… This is a tough question considering that not any projects are suitable for people. But I would recommend games with progression to master the DataStore thing, because it is SUPER important to know. I would prefer some shooter games or exploration games(so you focus no more specific programming areas).

Or just make plugins if you want to focus on them! Try to make somewhat a personal copy of an existing plugin, or something like this so you have some foundation to begin gathering knowledge.

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these are some examples that are good for beginners (that is my opinion that may be wrong)

1- an obby with kill bricks and moving platforms

2- a fade blocks game where floors of blocks are generated and when u stand on a block it disappears, and u fail to the next floor and if u fail to the final floor, and after a specific time or when only 1 player is remaining print the winner players then start the game again (good for understanding how to make a game loop) (sorry if I didn’t explain this well)

3-a simple disaster survival game where after some time a random disaster is chosen and you have to survive
1- a rising lava where you will have to climb high to survive
2- a moving tornado where you will have to climb high to survive
3- etc.