ProLight+ Module (Realistic Lighting)

Hello, Developers this is my first module that i made what this module for? do you notice that some of the horror games has terrible lighting but some of them are great i made ProLight+ to make realistic lighting

Can’t tell the difference? ok here’s only Roblox’s

Still can’t?? Ok another one



See the difference now? good now u will be asking how am i going to make it work?

local Prolight = require(game.ReplicatedStorage["ProLight+"])
local Part = script.Parent

local light = Prolight.CreateLight(
	8, -- Light Layers Minimum layers is 1 and the max is 10
	"PointLight",  -- Light Type "SpotLight", "SurfaceLight", "PointLight"
	Part, -- Where the light parented to
	2, -- Brightness
	150, -- Angle only for "SpotLight" and "SurfaceLight"
	40, -- Range of the light
	"Bottom", -- Face only for "SpotLight" and "SurfaceLight"
	true, -- Shadows for the light
	Part.Color, -- Color to the Lights
	true, -- Fog 
	0.5 -- FogSize 

light:EnableLight() -- Enable Light

light:DisableLight() -- Disable Light

light:DestroyLight() -- Destroy Light

Now u been wondering how does it work? it works by layering the lights and it gives the same realistic lighting effect

Oh wait almost forgot here’s the Module ProLight+, and don’t forget to leave a credit

Always check for new updates*


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So, it only works When testing so it runs :sob:


Sorry about that one but if you find any bugs or error just let me know


It’s hard to see which pictures are using your module and just using Roblox. You’re not really saying. You’re also not explaining what your module actually does. It could very much just be a PointLight.

And I thought had too many parameters.

Lights should be enabled by default. If I’m creating a light and parenting it to a part, it should show.


Alright got it and i’m going to updated the module right now thanks for letting me know

UPDATE 1.0.1!!

I made update some things and i added some stuff

– Fixed Bugs
– Removed Range (range is now based on the brightness)
– Remove Parameters

local Prolight = require(game.ReplicatedStorage["ProLight+"])
local Part = script.Parent

local light = Prolight.CreateLight(
	"SpotLight", -- Light Type
	Part, -- Parent 
	1, -- Brightness
	70, -- Angle
	"Bottom", -- Light Direction
	Part.Color, -- Light Color
	true, -- Fog
	2 -- FogSize

light:EnableLight() -- Enable Light
light:DisableLight() -- Disable Light
light:DestroyLight() -- Destroy Light

don’t forgot to credit :heart:

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UPDATE 1.0.2!!

So i notice when you put nil to face or angles it will give you a error and now its fixed

ProLight+ Version 1.0.2

– Fixed Bugs

don’t forgot to credit :heart: and if there’s a bug just tell me


How about an open source editable game example, or a .rbxl ?

Also if you are rolling your versions as a new model them people who got the first or second or third one will not know about updates to it… I like though that you list the versions number, but maybe in the description


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UPDATE 1.1.0!!

I added 4 features to the module and changed how to create a light.
ProLight+ [Version 1.1.0]

local prolight = require(game.ReplicatedStorage["ProLight+"])
local LightPart = workspace.LightPart

local PointLight = prolight.CreatePL(LightPart,1,100,, 0.447059, 0.447059)) -- Point Light

local SpotLight = prolight.CreateSPL(LightPart,1,100,"Front",60,, 0.447059, 0.447059)) -- Spot Light

local SurfaceLight = prolight.CreateSFL(LightPart,1,100,"Front",60,, 0.447059, 0.447059)) -- Surface Light

-- CreatePL (Parent,Brightness, Range, Color)

-- CreateSPL & CreatePL (Parent,Brightness, Range, Face, Angle, Color)
Change Light Type

How to use:

local prolight = require(game.ReplicatedStorage["ProLight+"])
local LightPart = workspace.LightPart

local PointLight = prolight.CreatePL(LightPart,1,100,, 0.447059, 0.447059)) -- Point Light

PointLight:ChangeLightType("SpotLight") -- Light Type
Change Brightness

How to use:

local prolight = require(game.ReplicatedStorage["ProLight+"])
local LightPart = workspace.LightPart

local PointLight = prolight.CreatePL(LightPart,1,100,, 0.447059, 0.447059)) -- Point Light

PointLight:ChangeBrightness(2) -- Brightness
Change Face

How to use:

local prolight = require(game.ReplicatedStorage["ProLight+"])
local LightPart = workspace.LightPart

local PointLight = prolight.CreatePL(LightPart,1,100,, 0.447059, 0.447059)) -- Point Light

PointLight:ChangeFace("Front") -- Face 
Change Color

How to use:

local prolight = require(game.ReplicatedStorage["ProLight+"])
local LightPart = workspace.LightPart

local PointLight = prolight.CreatePL(LightPart,1,100,, 0.447059, 0.447059)) -- Point Light

PointLight:ChangeColor(, 0.364706, 0.988235)) -- Color3

(i might explain it in the bad way but im really tired right now.)

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Hi, I am checking this out again, thanks for the updates.

Do all of your examples in the post still work, or with the updates have you changed things like how you enable , disable , destroy.

Also here :

Did you mean SFL , not SPL…

Oh yes sorry about that thanks for letting me know didn’t see that one again thank you, if u have any bugs or errors found just let me know.

I placed the module script in the ReplicatedStorage, but there was no difference.

It would be great if you could share the game file in the photos.