!promote Command for my group

Hey! So Pretty much I think I did VERY bad on this !promote script

Here it is!
Tell me if I did this right.


I think you’ll be better off following a tutorial. I found this one that seems to be decent.

(In regards to the script you did provide: local should only be put in front of variables and functions that you are initialising. And you should be using logic things and stuff and yeah just go to the tutorial linked)


Ty! I am bad at this type of scrip and I will check it out later!

If my previous post works for you, make sure to mark it as the solution!

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I will! Tysm for the vid. I’ll watch soon!

First of all, the script you created is not even close to being correct.

Second, you cannot create a !promote and !demote command only using a script in Roblox Studio. If you are not familiar with programming, I would suggest to consider to not create this command since it is a little advanced.

Before creating these scripts, I would highly recommend to learn the basics first.

However, if you would like to take the challenge to create this command script, watch the video mentioned by another person previously, and good luck. :+1:

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Ty! I actually suck at doing this kind of scripting and have no Experience with this and I am willing to take this. I want to learn! Thank you for you’re comment!