Promote Your Game!

Hello everyone,

For the past few days I have been working on a game promotion tool, that can help you gain some players.

How it works
It allows anyone show their game, and it places it on the main list of games, like this:

The newest game is always on top, so everyone gets the equal amount of attention.

How to use
If you want to promote your game, just click on the “Promote Game” button

After that, you will see a frame with all of your published games listed on it, like this:

After that, you can just chose what game you want to promote and click on it. It will be placed on the top of the main games frame.

Update Logs

I hope it helps!


You should be able to add a game icon to your promotion, a description and a few screenshots. Like an overview of a game so that it could attract players instead of it just being a name or so.


Great idea, I will add that for sure.


I wonder if it would be a good idea to make an optional “Add game ID” feature or some sort of way players could directly join a game they like from the Games list. Could make it easier for players to access any games they find interesting.

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yeah by adding a place id feature it could support group games also

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does it refresh? because if this gets popular and everyone promotes their game, then there will be too much games

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Really great idea! I cannot wait to use.

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Was able to test it now as I made the reply when I wasn’t able to. This is currently a feature in the game already. However, I agree with @Coolsbloxian. If there isn’t at least a time limit on how long the game is up on the list, then it would get cluttered really easily. A cooldown of some sorts should probably be placed on a player as well, so they don’t try and spam the list.


Yes, it does refresh, but not across servers. Thats why I set it to 700 player slots.

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Up to 300 games can be promoted at the same time. When a new game is added to the list, the oldest one is removed. Also, one player can promote only one game at a time. He can promote again when his game is removed from the list.

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That is a pretty good system then! Only issue I see with how it’s currently made is that players can server hop and spam their game as it doesn’t refresh across servers you mentioned. However, with there being a 300 limit, I am not sure if that poses any real issues. Overall, great work so far! This should surely help developers like myself trying to get their game out there. :slight_smile:

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I like how it gives you a list of your games when you push promote, but you should also give the option to promote a game from a game ID. I published my game through my group, so it doesn’t give me the option to promote it here.


I thought about adding that feature, but then people could just spam the same game using alt accounts. I will probably add it, but it will require some kind of verification, and if that game is already being promoted by a different account, you wont be able to promote it.