Prompt image upload plugin?

I’m working on a custom personal plugin that uses a dockwidget to prompt an image upload that would only be visible to studio users, for example uploading a build plan to an imagelabel on the dock

I’ve created the button and all that, but I can’t find any way to prompt the image upload thing, is it possible?

Well for starters, you can use the code below to get the GUI open.

local changeHistoryService = game:GetService("ChangeHistoryService")
local toolbar = plugin:CreateToolbar("PLUGIN")
local pluginButton = toolbar:CreateButton(
    "Part Creator", 
    "Create a part.",
    "Open GUI"
local createPartGui = script.Parent
createPartGui.Parent = game.CoreGui
local cooldown = false
    createPartGui.Enabled = not createPartGui.Enabled
        if cooldown then return end
        cooldown = true
       "Part", workspace)
        changeHistoryService:SetWaypoint("Part has been created.")
        cooldown = false

Then you can hopefully manage to get the other things working!

Oh and with the script above edit,

"Part Creator",
"Create a part",
"(img id)"
"Open Gui"

Then at the bottom, change what happens when the onclick event happens.