I’m trying to make a script for when you click a part it prompts you to purchase a dev product.
There are no errors, it just won’t prompt you to buy it (no GUI pops up or anything) I’ve definitely published it and the script is local
the script
local MPS = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
local Click = script.Parent.ClickDetector
local ItemId = 1122288911
game.Workspace.AllowThirdPartySales = true
local H = plr.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid')
if H and H.Health > 0 then
MPS:PromptProductPurchase(plr, ItemId)
I’ve looked at that but it’s really unclear what I need to do for my specific script. I’m just looking for a script that prompts a dev product once you click the clickdetector