Prompt system like the kick message

Ok so I am making a warn system and was wondering how I could make this work

prompinfo =
promptinfo.PromptButton.Text = 'button text'
prompinfo.MiddleText.Text = 'MiddleText'
prompinfo.TopText.Text = 'TopText'

local function warn(playerToWarn, promptInfoA)
      local warn = playerToWarn:Warn(promptInfoA) --holds the thread until the player presses ok or until the the promptinfo.Delay finishes and the prompt goes away
      return warn.Result --returns true if the player said ok or delay is done and false if the player left

     local w = warn(plr, promptinfo)
     if w = true then
     print('Player '..plr.Name..' has said ok to the warning message')

What is the issue you are facing, try to be more clear

well It is quite hard to find things like scale and stuff so I need help to try to make this

you can make that gui by adding a screen gui in the starter gui and scale it and everything and when you are done send it to replicated storage when you need that gui you can use
local Gui = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Gui Name"):Clone() Gui.Parent = Player.PlayerGui

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